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GF of 4 months never talks about "us"

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Well, I've posted a few times in the last couple of months about my Gf, and things are going very well, but I have a concern that still bothers me at times. First of all, we are having a great time, are intimate, and we love being with each other. But the problem is, my gf never brings up the subject of "US" unlless I bring it up first. She says other things like she misses me, can't wait to see me again, etc., but nothing else. Should I be concerned about this? Sometimes I get the impression that she doesn't care as much about "us" as I do. Any suggestions?

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Hi there.


I have been in a relationship for 11 years, and I seriously don't think we ever had one conversation about "US" ,at least not using that kind of terminology.


She says other things like she misses me, can't wait to see me again, etc., but nothing else


I think that's a very good sign. I don't think you need to worry.



Sometimes I get the impression that she doesn't care as much about "us" as I do. Any suggestions?


I'm going to be completely honest here. I fear that you might take this the wrong way. Please realize that this is my opinion only, and that I do not mean it about YOU. But some people do not like to talk about "US". Talks about "US" can be very annoying to some people. (They would be for me). I'm trying to state this in a way that is not offensive: Talking about "US" can seem like a chore and it sometimes can make a person view you as needy or high-maintenance emotionally (whether or not you actually are).


I think that it's always a good idea to be up front about your expectations in a relationship. However constant talks about "US" is probably not necessary. Sometimes you have to let go, relax, and just have a good time together instead of being so serious and analytical when looking at a relationship. I guess what I'm saying is, just enjoy one another and don't sweat it. Your GF just might not like talks about "US". It might not be her style.


She's saying she misses you and can't wait to see you again. As long as she is complimenting YOU, I don't think you need to worry about US.


I hope this helps,



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