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i am 18 and the girl is 14

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alrighty then, and you can say this about me because you know me sooo well...eh? oh, wait a minute.....YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL!


You wouldn't believe how many times I have heard people say that... and in almost every case (you may be the exception) the reason someone is so adamant about not being known is because it is a convenient way of avoiding reality.


Do I know you? No... neither does a psychologist who speaks to you twice a week for a year... yet they seem to quite correctly diaglose people.


thereforeeeeeee what you said about me being programmed and falling inline is very, invalid.


If it is invalid then please describe to me exactly why it is "weird" for an older woman of 18 to be going out with a younger boy of 14?


You say its weird, yet you don't state why... the reason you don't state why is simple... there isn't a reason, its a "gut feel" you have because you have been programmed to feel that way.


If I am so very invalid then all you need to do is give me the reason why it is "weird" and that will immediately shut me up and prove me to be everything you say I am.


If you can't show the exact reason why... then I guess I was right


thank you very much.


Your welcome... always happy to enlighten people to the things they refuse to see about themselves


nuff said. I'm never going to this section again, so don't waste your breath!


Mmmm... did you say you were 19 or 12?!? I forget... the last comment seems very much like the latter.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I think that all the ppl sayin that your wrong for that, is stupid. You cant choose who you fall for or like, it just happens. I say as long as her parents are cool with it, or they just dont find out, then go for it! When I met my boyfriend of 2 years I was 13 & he was 17, but I look older. At 13, I looked 15 or 16. I am now 15 & he's 19, and we're STILL together. AGE IS JUST A FRICKEN #! As long as your not doin the R.Kelly thing (14yr old girl, when you about 32). And if you two decide to have sex, dont pressure her and ALWAYS strap up. I made the mistake of not making him strap up a few times, & now we have a baby on the way. Its not a good situation to be in, except when your old enough and ready. I hope this helps you! Remember, listen to ya heart, not the HATERS out there!

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  • 3 weeks later...


I know what you're going through except I have the viewpoint of your 14 year old. At the beginning of this year i was a freshman in highschool and met this really cool senior guy. He wasn't the typical senior just after sex or anything, he was really cool. So we got to know each other pretty well. The problem was he had a GF. Anyway... my parents weren't happy with the situation AT ALL. They threatened to tell his parents to keep him away from me, and even considered taking legal action. He's now 18 and I'm 15, but that doesn't change much. My parents still hate him, and we aren't together. I dont really know the background of your relationship, but here's my advice:

Stay on good terms with her parents... they're the only ones that the age difference should matter with. Yes, i will admit that us youngins aren't nearly as mature as we should be to be involved with a legal adult, but that doesn't mean that it's impossible. I knew this guy soooo well and i really think he was my first love even if we never got together. He still is one of my best friends though. So yeah... If you want to be with her, go for it, just make sure that her parents are on your side and then you should be set.

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I think it is totally up to the girl, and yes if her parents agree then i think it is ok. When i was 14 i had a boyfriend who was 18, lasted a year. And when i was 15 i had a realtionship with a 32yr old man. this lasted a year and i half. I was mature for my age at the time, and at 14 i did look like an 18yr old girl, and i saw nothing wrong with it. We did have to hide our relationship for legal reasons, but we loved eachother and thats all that matters at the end of the day. The legal situation is there for a very good reason, but it sometimes does not stand true to everyones situation. I have always gone for older men, i am now 30 and my boyfriend is 44. I prefer older men becasue they have a bit more wisdom and are on my level. Respect each others wishes and be happy. xxxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you too really do love each other and want to be with each other forever than who cares what other people think, only you know what is inside your heart, just make sure that her parents are cool with it cause you don't want them to call the cops or anything!










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Listen up here. Everyone who is against you going out with a 14 year old is totally wrong. Because I am a 14 year old girl. If she likes you, you should go out with her. I used to like this 18 year old boy, and he wouldn't go out with me because of the age difference. It really, really hurt me. I thought that was the stupidest reason ever. If she is mature enough and you two really like each other, you should ask her out. Even if it doesn't work out, you two can make each other happy right now. I know from experience because I just started going out with a different 18 year old last month, and we are as happy as could be. I could've never taken another hit, like the first one.

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There are 2 sides to this. On one hand if you really love this girl you will still love her no matter the age. On the other hand you are 18 (adult) and she is 14 (child). I have a friend who is 16 and is dating someone who is 19 going on 20. They have been dating since she was 15. For a while the her parents told her she couldn't date him. This only resulted in her dating him anyway. Now her parents know about him and are fine with it. I think that you should ask the girl's parents permission if you really want to date her. I have a question though, are you still in highschool and is the girl in highschool? If you are both in the same school it would make it much more reasonable. If you really love her then I say go for it, but please get her parents permission. Sneaking around never does any good.


Hope I helped you a little![/b]

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