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Things to do after a break up

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I agree with that saying. Noone likes a loser or someone that appears to be a loser. It is sooo unattractive.


Are you likely to be attracted to someone who throws back their head and laughs and has interests, goals and projects?...




Are you likely to be attracted to someone whose head is cast downwards as is their mouth and eyes, shoulders hunched, pained expression, no interests, no goals, no projects?....


Even if you don't feel your best, you should try to look your best, seize new opportunities and never let the 'enemy' know inside you are breaking down... and wouldn't you know that soon, you are no longer breaking down inside and you actually start to be that fun filled, soulful, happy person that people want to be around!


If you can't make it, fake it! lol.

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I would change it to read, "Live your life to the fullest". No revenge...even if you only perceive such in your mind.


As long as you hold onto the notion of "revenge" towards your ex, or gain motivation for your actions based on your ex, you're still attached to her and the situation, only from a different angle.


To truly move on, you've got to let it go. All of it.

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wow, friscodj, have you considered doing actual work for marriage/relationships......don't wanna kiss your *** but good stuff


Oh man...you're too kind...I'm just some guy out there in cyberspace trying to make sense of it all just like everyone else...


I'm more than content doing what I can here on ENA. Reading and thinking about, being challenged by problems and other opinions helps me too, and is better than any payment I'd receive from a job...as is reading things like what you wrote here...


Thank you.

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this whole forum, enotalone, is crazy, because people give advice, you read it, think about following it, hope to follow it, and even if you don't, it still helps to come back too.


I'm still really sad about a break up, very very sad, wow, I dreamt about her last night, anyways, I just hope I get past it, I don't know, I miss the days without knowing of love, but just like that clip from southpark.......ha


there's nothing I can do now, I already fell in love, now i have to move on, very very sad though

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