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Help. I wanna get rid of this pain in the...

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...neck. I suffered whiplash, but I don't wanna go to the hospital and get them collar thingies... I think it was a minor thing, though... Well according to wikipedia it at least. I only feel some minor pains and stuff when I move my head too abruptly but I haven't lost a lot of range of mobility and I certainly am not suffering insomnia or feeling weird pins sticking my hands and feet. So I'd say I'm ok, just a little bothered by the occasional ache. I THINK that by tomorrow I will almost have forgotten about it. But is there any special thing I could be doing to ensure I will heal fast? You know any homemade treatments? Thank you.

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what happened? did you forget to protekt yo' neck?


Hahaha! Exactly!! I don't think you'd believe me if I told you what happened, lol. It wasn't even in a car, or any other vehicle or skateboard or skates or anything that involves wheels. I'll try the warm towel, though. I just don't think it's a big enough deal to go see a physician, well from what I feel anyway, cause what actually happened was plain crazy and dangerous but it's not like I did it on purpose, btw.

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i've heard that putting heat on it can be helpful.



I agree that if you are going the home remedy route ,that a heating pad or something would probably alleviate some of the stiffness, pain, etc. along with maybe some over the counter pain meds ( ibuprofen) .




Stinkweed Quote:

I don't think you'd believe me if I told you what happened, lol. It wasn't even in a car, or any other vehicle or skateboard or skates or anything that involves wheels. I'll try the warm towel, though. I just don't think it's a big enough deal to go see a physician, well from what I feel anyway, cause what actually happened was plain crazy and dangerous but it's not like I did it on purpose, btw.


Now you have me curious !! Are you gonna tell us what happened ?



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