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How can i beat my shyness


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You have to practice stepping out of your comfort zones. Like saying hi to some one you don't too well or smiling at some one who passes by.


Sure, if your really socially inhibitted things may not be so clear, and you may do something socially goofy, but over time your understand better and being more social will become more second nature.


You just have to do it. You can contemplate breaking out of your bubble all day, but until you start trying you won't get anywere.


It's not easy.

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I think alot of the shyness that you feel goes away with age. I'm not sure how old you are.

I was so shy up until I was around 15 that I wouldn't talk at all, I'd shake with nervousness having to answer the register when at school.

But that's all gone now, I'm a dirty great loudmouth.

Don't worry about how shy you are, that'll only make you feel even more withdrawn.

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Stay within your comfort zone and then explore outwards at a pace you're comfortable with. When you go to parties or other social events, bring along someone you feel comfortable with as a buffer. Eventually you'll feel more confident and, if not less shy, more accustomed to the situations.

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The name Firelord96 sounds like a guy, and most of the bad advice in this thread is coming from woman. Not saying anything mean, just saying that a man has to face things a little more head on than a woman. Call me a sexist bast@rd.


Firelord96, you have to face your fears, if not just a little bit by a little bit, you have to face them. Try suttle changes in your every day actions, try talking more to people, try making eye contact and smiling more, just don't allow yourself to sit there and mope on how hard it is. Your a guy, guys are expected to overcome stuff like this and be able to talk to a girl. A girl could get away with being incredibly shy and not talking, but guy can't.


I'm being honest. No need to panic, just make the effort and slowly you will grow and things will start to fall into place.

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I think alot of the shyness that you feel goes away with age. I'm not sure how old you are.

I was so shy up until I was around 15 that I wouldn't talk at all, I'd shake with nervousness having to answer the register when at school.

But that's all gone now, I'm a dirty great loudmouth.

Don't worry about how shy you are, that'll only make you feel even more withdrawn.


bump that yo, im 22 and im still shy

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Set some goals. Like put yourself in three scenarios a day that aren't in your normal routine. Silly things like asking someone for directions. Asking the video clerk to reccomend their favorite movie. Ask to borrow the salt & pepper from another table at lunch. Once you begin to feel more confident maybe take a class that you have to do some participation with others.


SUre there will be times that it will feel very uncomfortable and some people are not that helpful or kind. But maybe you will strike up conversations with great people and you'll be breaking free from the shyness.


I do not agree that you grow out of shyness by a certain age- I think you have to will yourself to overcome it.


Good Luck and keep us posted on your SUCCESS!!

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I broke my shyness recently. How I beat it you wonder? Well I stepped out of my comfort zone, and did it. You just have to convince yourself that only good will come of it. So, if you are shy talking with girls or just anyone in general, then have a few chats with people and you should have some confidence/comfortability with stepping out of your comfort zone.


Though you'll get that same feeling to avoid those social situations again, it doesn't stop for a really long time I think. You just have to keep thinking that you'll do them and nothing will go wrong until the thoughts become very minimal.


good luck

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Allelua Brother


How did I burst my shyness bubble.


Threw myself in situations I never ever ever dreamed I could.


Force yourself, FORCE YOURSELF, force yourself (repeat it 100 times)


Get up on stage and do the can can baby (I did make a new goal to say "Hello" to everyone you walk by.


*flash back moment*


I went on a date with this 18 year old girl, I just got this new mindset on. (i was 21 btw).


I just started saying hello to everyone.


While we walked, I ended up saying Hi to everyone we passed, started conversations with everyone we passed. (in the park), played with every dog we passed. Walked up to a complete strangers house (the girl I was with was a stranger and this was her friend), and started talking to the person not even knowing him. Right before we kissed (only time I hung out with this girl, she wasn't for me anyway, she said, "You are the most confident guy I've ever met, I have never seen someone as bold and caring as you are." (mind you I think she said that because I had all the pluses of a shy guy (caring nice, considerate), but all the benefits of a confident cocky guy.) Anyway, That was done by throwing myself in situations that I knew I couldn't handle (before), if I made myself look stupid OH well, life goes on. Do you know how many times I've stuttered or said a word wrong and because of how I do it, or keep trying, people laugh there butts of near me, but don't look down at me. I ended up laughing too.


Sometimes the best things in life aren't scripted. The most fun you can have is when you don't know the outcome.

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