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It's that time of year again... any suggestions on holiday gifting for the boyfriend?

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Usually, I'm known for picking out wonderful, thoughtful gifts that the person on the recieving end just loves... but i don't know what to get my boyfriend! He's the comeplete opposite of me and my friends... Redneck, into hunting and fishing, doesn't really care about fashion (his clothes kinda suck), he's just really into the "country boy" thing...

So anyone else who shares these interests or has a significant other like this, what do you get them for Christmas (or other appropriate holiday)!!!?


And here's another question: How much is appropriate to spend? I always go above and beyond and don't know when to stop spending on people. We've been together 8 months. We're well past the I love you stage and completely comfortable around each other...


Please help!!!!

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Hi Jen -


What type of game does he hunt and what's his favorite fish? Anything from Cabelas is going to be great and just let him know you saved the receipt and that he's welcome to exchange the gift if he has something else in mind that he needs. Please don't be upset if he does exchange what you give him.


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Cabela's...I was sort of thinking that... is a gift card too tacky? I don't even know where to begin picking something out from there... I was just at their website..


He hunts deer, squirrels, umm...whatever, I guess...

Fish: Salmon, Blue gill...

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Jen -


If he's into hunting and fishing and the gift card says Cabelas it won't be tacky at all. Of course you could ask him if there is anything he needs for hunting or ask one of his buddies what they think he needs. Better yet ask them what they have that he keeps borrowing or wishing he had.


I love your "whatever, I guess..." response. You have to go ice fishing with him this winter. Does he have tip up rigs for ice fishing?

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I love your "whatever, I guess..." response. You have to go ice fishing with him this winter. Does he have tip up rigs for ice fishing?


heh.... i have no idea what that is....



And interest-wise... he's not all that interested in sports, certainly not interested in theatre ... he likes the blue-collar comedy tour (surprise surprise, lol) but i think theyre done?


I was thinking, maybe I'd get a gift certificate and also something else... like clothing since i hate his clothes and the things I buy for him, he seems to like..


Any suggestions on how much to spend total? I don't want to seem like a cheap-a*s

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