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Twitching Eye?

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It could be stress, or eye strain. I sometimes get an eye lid twitch or kind of in the corner of my eye. Most times I assume that it is something irritating a nerve in the eye area. Sometimes I will gently rub the eye lid or wherever the twitch is coming from and that sometimes stops it. However, I am not really sure of the cause.

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SB, Nice eyes, even if they twitch.


oh and thanks DAKO!


Hey, wow, that looked like flirting you guys (jeez DAKO I was thinking the same thing but didn't have the guts to mention it)

Are we allowed to flirt on this website? I've been surpressing myself. There are some very interesting women here.....and I've got some very witty comments to make

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I get it from not getting enough sleep, stress, nervousness and other things.


BTW: You're pretty.


Me too! (and ditto on the pretty comment). I had it last for 2 weeks once... that one was due to stress. I wish someone had a home remedy for making it go away (like the hiccups).

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It could also have something to do with your potassium level. I have had the same thing happened to me too and my cousin (who's in medicine) told me to either drink more Gatorade or better yet, eat more bananas ...


Take care~


I have heard that for leg cramps/muscle spasms.... i suppose you have muscles around your eye too...

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