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So lame

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I went to a health food store today and I saw the guy who works there. He is so good looking!!! I was so embrassed! I wish I could just talk to him, But how weird would that be!?? I mean a random girl talking to some guy who works at a health store, he would probably think Im weird.


Sigh. Its so depressing. He probably has some beautiful girl friend anyway, they all do.



Just felt like venting. Sorry



I wish I was like my cousin, she would talk to him. She has done it before and it developed into a relationship for like a year!! But then again, shes gorgous, so it makes it easir for her.

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aww cmon..that attitude isnt going to get u anywhere. Why do u think u arent gorgeous? everybody has their preferences, im sure some guys would think that you are the most beautiful thing the've seen. And its not just the appearance, its the fact that you approached, took the interest and effort to get to know them that gains the extra point! So go on talk to him!!...lifes SHORT.


I hope im making sense here

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I'm the same way. I cannot go up to a girl and talk to her. I clam up. I look at her and wonder why the hell she would ever want to talk to me. I feel scared of revealing the fact that I like her and am interested in her. The few (2-3) times in my whole life I have approached girls out of the blue, I've been rejected.

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Right. You all need to get out and practice this stuff with people that don't matter - don't know where you all live but if it's a city then you can approach people with absolute certainty that you will never see them again. Tourist places are generally best, art galleries are excellent - though you have to be quiet! - and places like bars are less good because people will think you're chatting them up. It'll help if you can get a friend to do this with.


So then on the day you go and visit your guy in the health store, speak to a few randoms before you get there - it'll get you a bit more in the frame of mind to do it. You've got an excellent pretext anyway, so go and ask him for some advice on whatever he's selling.

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Why don't you bring your stuff to his cash if works there. Or if he's one of those guys who do shelfing or whatnot in the aisles (sp?), ask him where you can find a product or what does this and this do...and take it from there. Start a conversation...he might really appreciate the time you helped him kill (I know I would if a guy came up to me and talked...my job is so boring lol). Everytime you go there, say hi or talk again or something. Become a familiar face, eventually you could ask him to go for a cup of coffee. I know it's easier said than done, I can relate to that expression all too well. But, what have you got to lose? If you don't try, you're just going to continue living with the question "what if...?" stuck in the back of your head. If he says yes, great! If not, then it wasn't meant to be. Don't take it personally, it's just how things are. It's not weird; if you want something, you have to go after it yourself girl!


Good luck =)

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A lot of people have this problem, fear of rejection and that includes me too. But I am slowly getting over it. If he's gay or he has a girlfriend, you had no way of knowing it and if anything it shows your confidence in yourself if you went talked to him and asked for his number or email.


So go there and knock yourself out

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lol, this is the girl version of my story. linkie. you can apply the same advice ppl gave there to me to you.


but if i worked in a health food store and it was boring (a la PinkValiant), then i would definitely like some company. girls just don't usually approach guys, it's a rarity. i was doing some reading tonite that someone linked on this board and i think this advice can apply to you too:


You see, if you have an agenda, other people can usually sense it. They pick it up in your subtle body language.


When you're teasing and acting Cocky & Funny, a woman says to herself "This guy obviously isn't just trying to pick up on me, because he'd never say some of these things if he were..."


And the more you do it, the more fun it becomes, and the more you don't have an agenda... and the more attractive you become. Keep up the good work.

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