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Weird Thing

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I started a relationship with this girl.She likes it when i hold her tight in my arms,but when it comes to kissing,there is a problem.She sais she is not feeling she wants to.She didnt tell me why,she just told me she doesnt want to.I dont understand why...ideas? (Tricks,hypnosis,voodoo stuff )

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Buddy, it's a NEW relationship. Don't push it too fast. Obviously holding hands is not as significant as kissing. Kissing is generally regarded as being much more intimate. Holding hands can be the "friend" stage, kissing is up higher. Don't look down on this,...not moving too fast can actually be a good thing. Give it some time, ... write back and let us know what happens.

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You forgot , Witchcraft and Saneteria lol.


Kissing for many people is very intimate, and she may not be ready for that, dont rush things or make it an issue. when she is ready you'll know.


As for tricks, no tricks, but you can get her used to being touched, so if hugging is what she is happy with , hug her, when you take her home, give her a little peck on the cheek. or kiss her hand, etc. over time when she builds up more trust in you, and in her self, she may drop her inhibitions, and let you kiss her on the lips, even then, remember keep it simple, unless she unleashes herself, and swollows your tongue lol, it can happen.

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what you might try to do is start with a kiss on the forehead first, then one on the right cheek, then on the left, then on her nose, then on her chin, and finally on the lips...do this as a day by day thing. on the first day the forehead, second day the right cheek, and so on. my boyfriend did that with me when we first started going out, the first week actually, then i decided to make my move and kiss him on the lips. try it like that. hopefully she'll think its really sweet. good luck

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Well we dated 3 times so far,so i could say we are the beginning...You guys gaved me a good advice,thanks.

There is another thing,i guess i made a mistake regarding this matter.I confronted her with the problem which is disturbing me and i tried to squeeze some reasons out of her why she doesnt let me kiss her on the lips (i kissed her on the neck,she had no negative reaction).Then she told me i shouldnt keep asking about this and that she doesnt feel like she wants to be kissed.Then i made a joke of the kind "What the heck,were you abused when you were younger".She didnt find it very funny (Yea,yea,i know,shoot me ).I just wanted a valid reason why she didnt want a kiss on the lips.Probably i am moving too fast (bad me,slap,slap).Is it really a mistake to want to know everything?

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Thanks Redroses.However,it isnt so easy to kiss her forehead.When try to move towards her head,her head moves kinda backwards,like she wouldnt want it.Also,it seems a bit funny for me to kiss her on her forehead.I will try it.Hey,i'm willing to try anything

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out of curiosity, does she wear make-up?


I guess so (but not much,not that i would have an idea what "much" would be )


If she doesn't want to kiss, than don't kiss her. She will hate you if you even peck a kiss because she told you not to. Trust me, I'm a girl


I know that you're right,but i dont like it ...


I guess that patience is the key (bla bla ) ...

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Date 4 went much better than i expected.She was much more open.I touched her leg and went down to her bottom.She seemed to not have something against it.But in the end,still no kissing,i didnt even bother to try,i felt she wouldnt want it...damn...

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