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Should I call him?

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I went out with this guy a couple of Wednesdays ago. The date went great. He called to go out again the next week, but I couldn't because I was having minor surgery out of town. I talked to him a couple of days afterwards, but now it has been a week, and I still haven't heard from him. Should I call him?

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....well, yeah?!


If anything he's waiting for your call, he was the one who called you first remember? Presumably you didn't tell him you were having surgery so I wouldn't be surprised if he thought you weren't interested. So let him know otherwise - what's the worst than can happen?


We guys are a bit like that you know - I wouldn't call again - already been blown off once so I'd seem desperate frankly...

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Hey there


I think you should call him, because it seems liek mayeb he thought you brushed him off...and if thats the case then why not call him and let him know you'd liek to go out again...If you like him and think you'd be good together or just want to have another fun time, then I would call him . What is there to loose? Go for it!


I'm inexperienced so if this is wrong, someone correct me lol


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