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I need more advice

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The ex and I last night had another fight. I told him that I couldnt handle him dating another girl, and that I felt like he was lying to me, and trying to hide me from the girl he has an interest in.


And basically he said that it was over. And I told him ok, and said bye. Then about 20 minutes later he sends me a text message stating "If I dont see you tonight, its completely over" I asked him why he sent that, and he said He felt like it. I asked him for a reason for me to come down there, he said that should be a good enough reason. And I told him I wanted more than that, because of everything what was going on. I feel he is playing games with me. Earlier in the night, I told him that a guy asked me out at work, to see if I could get his reaction, and before that I was telling him that I didnt want to be his toy, and he got upset, I think at both issues at hand.


So last night I sat up half the night talking with my sister about him And she said that he is playing games and I agree..But the guy I fell in love with wouldnt do that, WHAT CHANGED HIM?? I have no clue.


The last few weeks of our relationship, it was like we didnt even want to see each other, maybe spending too much time together. And then I found I was pregnant again, and we lost the baby? Could that have maybe scared him into the wrong direction? But he still cant put the blame on me. I worte him a long letter explaining to him how I have been feeling, and how I feel he has changed for the worse. And that I didnt know him anymore. I tried to be as fair as I could in the letter, not just putting the blame on him for our relationship not working. I have taken alot of it as well.


My question is should I send it? Or just leave him alone? cause I feel once he reads it on paper, it will make him think for once. And help him change, or it could do the opposite. But its a chance I am willing to take.


I am so confused, and in so much pain. Its getting to the point where I dont want to eat. I cant sleep without some type of aid.


Help please....

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If your feeling like that, you need some time. If I were you, I would mail him and say that you need a little time to yourself as everything is getting on top of you and it is too much for you right now, especially after losing the baby. If he is feeling the same about the baby and all the drama, I'm sure he will understand and hopefully he will do the same.


You have a right to time alone to heal and you should take it and use it wisely. Take all pressures off you and him, there is no rush, no impending event, you don't HAVE to do anything right now. Peace is what you need and some time to recover.


Do not send that mail, he will see it as blame from you saying that he has taken a change for the worst. That IS blame and he will go on the defensive making thing worse for you both.

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I wouldn't write him any letter. He is playing you like a harp without regards to your feelings. What kind of a guy says that its over, hangs up with you, then mere minutes later calls back and says "IF I dont see you tonight then its REALLY over!" ???? Do not give him one more minute of your time.

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