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tell me Im not crazy

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Ok, I feel embarrassed writing to ask this question, but I really need some advice.

Tonight my boyfriend and I were sitting in our living room doing work. I asked him if I could go to the gym tomorrow (he was working on renewing my membership for me) and he told me he already gave me the slip confirming my membership. I truly didnt remember since I was so busy last week. Then he started getting an attitude with me, slightly raising his voice saying that he was SURE he gave it to me. I never said he didnt, but I told him I didnt remember (I stayed calm the whole time). He started going through my books and found it. He said, "UGH here I told you I gave it to you" Mind you he was getting all upset. Since he had an attitude I just started doing my work again, and he started to demand an apology. I said I was sorry without looking up. He then goes, "are YOU serious?" I said, calmly but honestly that I thought he was being a jerk." His reponse: "well then you. You're a (mod edit>" and walked out.

I need to leave this relationship and dont have the strength. This is not healthy right? I feel like crying.

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This is definatly an unhealthy relationship. He should not just get angry for small things. You sound very weak in the relationship (by weak i do NOT mean bad). You should leave him if this happens often. Maybe when you do have a friend stand near in case he gets violent, (cause some men do)

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Yes we live together. We've been dating for 3 and a half years and this has just been going on for about a year now. Im in such a predicament b/c I have no family here - I moved here for grad school. and Im not sure I can afford living on my own and my sched. is so hectic, when would I have time to move out? I know I just sound like Im making excuses, but they are real concerns. When my mom was here visiting, he swore at me in front of her and mocked me b/c I asked him to move some stuff off the bed so my mom could lay down (she has cancer). We didnt speak for 2 days. I know hes stressed w/ apps for PhD programs and stuff, but come on, right?

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Whoa....yes, you definitely need to get out of this situation. Do you have friends who live close by who you might be able to stay with while you get everything straightened out? Definitely do not give him the stress excuse. There is no excuse for treating you like that. I know it must be hard with everything going on, but you have to find a way. People like that don't change. They usually get worse. Is there someone at school you could talk to?

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Hi There,


You are most certainly not crazy. But you are right, you do need to get out of there. No one has the right to treat another person that way, and I think you already know that someone who loved and respected you would not.


The fact that he does not even hold back from being verbally abusive in front of your mother is very disconcerting too. I worry with a situation like this that it will escalate into physical violence too, and by that point you will be so broken down you will not leave.


If you have any friends you trust I would call them and ask for help. Stay with them if possible while you figure out a new living situation. Can you stay at the dorms of your school? That might be a temporary solution until you can secure a better living situation.


I have been where you are... part of our defense mechanism is to remember how he was so that you do not have to take action and can stay with him... but you need to look at who he is NOW, vs. who he was.


Just some things to think about- you are NOT crazy.

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Well strawberry it's been one year since he's acting like this...he won't change if you let him treat you this way.


I think you should leave...maybe even if you leave for a while it will make him see what he lost and try to change it's the only way....but don't go right back to him when he says he'll try to change it has to be real and you have to see the effects

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