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Question for the girls

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What first attracts me physically to a guy is his eyes and smile. I need someone confident and comfortable with themselves. I also agree with rose2summer when she mentioned intelligence and close with his family/relatives. My boyfriend is very smart, although he doesn't think so. Sometimes he has to wear reading glasses and doesn't want to, because he thinks he looks nerdy. I love his glasses! They make him look soooooooo adorable. He's also very close with his family, and that probably goes to show he will become a family man.

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Intelligence, I know it sounds harsh but I once went out with someone who was not at my level of intelligence and it was hard for me.

Sense of humour.

Confident but not overly.

Job. Shows he can handle responsibility and is out in the real world.

Treats people the same. I can't be doing with someone who treats certain people one way and others another. Two-facedness is also something I don't like.


And then there's my physical preferences which I'm not putting here because they're not really going to help you.

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I like someone who has purpose, one who is confident and independent. I like gentleness and compassion. I admire truth and honesty and like to see soul searching. I like someone who laughs and is good fun to be around and a person who makes me relax and feel at ease. I like someone who can meet my eyes and someone with a wide, open relaxed smile and relaxed, open posture.

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A guy who has a great smile always catches my eye- not even that his teeth are nice just that his smile is sweet and charming and makes me smile too.


Ok that was cheesy but it's true...


A guy who has a great sense of humor- not necessarily someone funny, but gets funny and can laugh easily. He has to get "smarter" jokes but doesn't take himself too seriously that he can't laugh at stupid stuff.


He's confident and says what's on his mind- doesn't leave me guessing. I feel happy and calm around him.


He's masculine in the way he looks and acts. A lot of my friends go for the pretty boys- who are all skinny with pretty long hair and big eyes or are emo with tight pants and eyeliner. For me there's no bigger turnoff. I'll wear the makeup and tight pants in this relationship, thanks...


It's not even all about height either. Guys who have some meat on their bones, strong jaws and broad shoulders are masculine and attractive. Also body/facial hair and deep voice...mmm...


A guy who has muscle- not bodybuilder or anything, but some tone is nice too.

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