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haven't been on here in a while.


I've just started my second year of college and when I was out I met a guy who is also in second year but doing a different course. When the pub closed we were waiting for his friend and I [i think] kissed him. I ended up going back to his house with his friend since he lived 10 minutes from town. He gave me his coat coz I was cold. Then when we ended up in the same bed but he didn't even try to kiss me again which I found strange

For the last few weeks he's been texting me every night to see what I'm up to and we hang around most days in college.

I'm really confused as to wether or not he likes me in that way since he's never made any move at all.

He kept asking questions about awhen I said I went out with a different guy the other night..

Another thing, we were in a college pub yesterday and he bought me two drinks even though I insisted before hand that I'd pay.

That confused me even more...


What do you guys think?.... is he just too shy about this or does he just see me as a friend? btw, he's 19

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Well I guess if you asked him straight out something like: "Do you like me?", it's a good idea, but if you asked something like: "Are you inexperienced?" he'd just say 'no', no matter what the truth is.


Also, tell us what he responds after you ask him if he likes you. My bet is either: "Yes..." while staring at his shoes (nervous), or "Yes, but not in that way"/"Yes, but not you know... LIKE you, like you...".



Good luck!



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Hehe well thanks for that. Yeah I'll probably post an update soon.


I'm going out with him and his friends tomorow night so I'll ask him then.


Today we were in town and one of his friends referred to me as his girlfriend woah that was kind of a shock...really makes me wonder...well not long to go before the whole situation is clear...

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he is probably inexperienced, it is obvious he likes you though.


if its a good time to ask this then go for it: ask him how he feels about you and then ask him who should take the steps in the relationship. "steps" meaning the steps of getting closer like holding hands, kissing, hugging, etc. communicate about the both of you.

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