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mind over matter..

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these are just a few more questions..going round in my head


me and my ex talk from time to time..not often and dont see each other


heres the thing ..hes started to answer some of my questions.. i asked when he stopped loving me..he replied..when you (meaning me) stopped loving me.


now the thing is as ive pointed out to him..i didnt stop//he is blaming me to feel less guilt and pass the buck..he says this isnt true..


he says he still cares for me..that means nothing to me



i dont know what im expecting by putting this post out...just getting it down on paper i guess..


and waiting responses..


i know it is over..i would never trust him again..but the strange thing is part of me still wants him back.even though i know

1.he doesnt want me

2.i would never trust the man again..i dont believe he is the man that i loved



no im not building any hopes up, how does someone wake one day.not love the other person who they loved the day before, and then decide to make a conscious decision to cheat..


even though he still lies and says it just happened..lol...and that he didnt see has much of her as i think he did..](*,)


whatever it was it was enough to leave me.after seeing her for 2months..



like i said..just puzzling things that go around this strange brain of mine..


thank you for reading..and responding.(if anyone actually does.)

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Hes a cheater and a liar. All cheaters always try to cover their tracks so they can keep up the self image of them being a good person. Its a classic thing for someone who can just abandon people out of the blue to claim that they only stopped loving you because YOU were the one that stopped loving them first. Thats nonsense.


You are right he is just trying to pass the buck and make sure he doesnt have to feel any guilt or regret. Not only are you left with the rejection and betrayal now you are left with all the unwarranted blame he tries to heap on you. Dont believe a word of it (doesnt sound like you are).


Its normal to still want someone you cared about and loved so much.

Learn whatever lessons and move on to someone much better.

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i agree..liar.cheat....


why is it that some people just dont have the guts to tell the truth.especially if there were asked..


i asked my ex ..nearly every day..well i told him...lol..that i knew he was seeing someone ..yet he continued to deny it


how stupid did hethink i was


i knew..he just had to confirm it..but he didnt.


he waited till i was ranting again to say he was leaving


then lied who he was with


loneliness is the big thing for me..i hate it..


i see friends .work..etc..but once you close that door at night .im on my own.


i miss having someone to talk to ..hug.cuddle..laugh with


enough of me complaining...

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He probably also said you were just being suspicious and how it really annoyed him or he got annoyed etc.. Just a guess..


yeah lonliness is the big problem after you break up with someone,

no one to share your home life with, feels like your on another planet when that door closes. I hear a pet helps...

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