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Me and this girl were hanging out alot on the weekends and we have a class together in school, we went to dinner last weekend and hung out all of the weekend.. THen wednesday we went to a movie and i made the move and we kissed several times, we still talked after-wards and the weekend after we hung out saturday and sunday and then on the weekdays we didnt hang out.. THis friday we watched a movie at my house for about 3-4 hours and we kissed and held hands *we would always hold hands certain places* but saturday she went to the club and i was cool with it i just was kinda upset we didnt see each other the whole day and i kinda let her know that all she said was she was busy with her friends.. sunday we didnt see each other either neither did we talk on the phone, she also ignored my texts.. so sunday i call her and finally get in touch with her and i ask her where we stand and she says she didnt know.. blah blah and shes not ready for a relationship cuz she doesnt have time for one, and she said "i kinda dont want one either" i asked her if she liked me and she said yes, though she said she doesnt have time for a relationship.. i dont know what to do as of now im not calling her or talking to her much il just say hey to her at school or w/e but thats it..... My question is why did she make that decision, i didnt expect that at all, i think i was a little too demanding in time i wanted to spend with her and mayb i was too aggressive?? anways replies would be nice !! thx

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It sounds like she's probably busy and doesn't want a relationship because of that. She may have felt like you were demanding of her time when you were upset when she hung out with her friends and didn't see you. She may have felt like you being needy and demanding very early on in a relationship and that could have turned her off. I know that's happened to me before in relationships, where the other person comes on really strong and is demanding of my time when I have other things to do or other friends to see.


I would just give her a couple of days. I wouldn't act too upset about your conversation with her. See if she contacts you, then maybe try to make a date for this weekend and see what she says. If she's too busy then it may be time to move on.

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Maybe she backed off because you were being too pushy, you must remember, she can't spend every weekend with you because she has her friends and family to think about too and she needs things done too. I wouldn't take it too badly like "omg she doesn't want to go out with me," just be her friend for now, grow a stronger bond by just talking and letting each other know how you feel and whatever you do, don't surround her, let her have her own time to herself. Hopefully things will get better and she may consider a relationship with you.

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