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Hey ,

Ive got this problem that I need some advice for any suggestions are greatful. I met this really fantastic girl 2 years ago we got together and we fell in love, a year later we broke up because she said she needed a brake, a month later we got back together then four months later we broke up.


The problem is that 10 months of seeing other women and doing my own thing as well as staying in close contact with my ex something draws me back to her and its the same with her she says she feels the same thing there is a great tension between us I care for her so much and I know she cares deeply for me.


Sometimes we get close and we kiss but after that day is over she shuts it out and doesnt want to face facts she always contemplates getting back together with me but nothing ever seems to happen. She says she likes me a great deal but shes just started going out with some other guy.


Is it too late for us what should I do how can I get something started instead of going around in circles...


thanks for listening

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  • 2 months later...

If she is the one... then you should know it. You should feel it... i don't this girl is the one...i mean if she loves you as much as she says, then she'd break up with the other guy....to be with you. And why would she deny kissing you if she feels deeply for you?


Sometimes, people who you think are perfect for you aren't. It's hard to explain, really. The person who you think is your type could subconsciously be the one you have had previous relationships with, which ended up a disaster, and then you search your whole life for the person who you think is the one, but in the end, you realise, that you just dated one person who was wrong for you, and made you feel heartbreak. Going in a cycle of bad relationships.


I'm sorry i was babbling, did i make any sense at all???

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