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I'd say you hit the nail on the head, buddy... People often fear it if they commit to a relationship or show their true feelings when they know it won't/can't last. It's just a sad ending for both of you, a forced seperation, two lovers going different ways... And believe me, half of all long distance relationships don't work out, *well* atleast...


I'm guessing you are a male, but I could be wrong. If it is a girl/guy (doesn't matter) I'd advise you to either:


a) become good friends with this person and ask them about their feelings...


b) avoid contact with this person and save a lot of stress and unwanted depression...


The choice is yours (heheh) but anyhow, good luck with this and keep us updated!



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well I told this girl that I like her awhile back and she didn't say yes or no back just said that she didn't think she should start something with anyone that she's going off to college...well I also work with her and tonight was her last night meaning I won't see her period for a while now or longer. so I thought about atleast talking one more time online and tell her I hope she has fun in college and that i'm gonna miss her..plus tell her how I feel at the moment or should I just leave things alone here?

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well I went ahead and said something last night online..that I wanted to say something in person instead of over the computer but it was tough with that thought I won't see her around period for awhile. I hope she has a blast in college and i'm gonna miss her. even though her and I aren't together and who knows whats gonna happen in time but at this time I want to atleast be a friend instead of nothing at all...well her comment was " thanks" though I didn't expect much that she probably has to watch what she says at this moment..afterwards we just talked about college and whatever else.

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