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How do you get over a creep and move on?


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I'm so in the process of leaving this jerk. He's strung me along and emotionally abused me and last night was the breaking point. Just read my previous posts to figure out who I'm dealing with.


We've never established a relationship but he lead me on to think he actually cared for me when all he wanted was sex. He goes around and sleep with different women and that is so distasteful to me. Then he doesn't respect me at all, he'll not answer his phone when I call alot and then he'll turn around and call me when he feel it's convenient for him.


Last night I called him and he was in bed with another female laughing and flirting it up.Slow sensual music was playing in the background. It made me feel so horrible until the point it made me sick. He then replied with a "what do you want type of response!" He said he'll call me back, he's banging a at the moment as he put it. That hurted so bad that I couldn't sleep at all last night! In the beginning, he made me feel special and I thought for sure he was such a good guy but turned into a complete later on.


Last night did it for me and I'm starting over with my life. I should focus on me and not a guy for my happiness. I'm just so lonely and he made me not feel so alone and depressed. Now that I will be officially alone again, I feel miserable. Like I said, it's hard to find friends and people that generally cared about me. All he did was make me feel completely worse, I'm even in a more worse position than I was in the beginning before I met him. None of my friends hardly ever call me, which lead to very lonely and depressing nights.


Maybe I'll get me a book or something but how do you move on and get over someone you cared about? Even if they treated you like crap??

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I should focus on me and not a guy for my happiness.


That's how i did it.


This guy sounds AWFUL and so not worth your time. How dare he treat you like that.


I was engaged to a #1 a-hole and the best way i got over him to was remind myself over and over again that i'm worth more..and every time i felt weak I would remember something horrible that he did to me ..that made me hurt for days and feel like a fool.


This "boy" is not worth your time...he's not going to change back to who he was when you met him...the guy you see now- this is who he really IS.


I feel really bad for you and completely understand how you feel...but you'll get over him.....just like i got over my ex.

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Yes, by all means focus on you. Find things you enjoy doing to make yourself happy. Don't worry about being with anyone or whether or not your friends like you. When you focus on doing whatever makes you happy, then everything else will fall into place. Love yourself. That's what's really important.

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