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Should I just leave it?


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So here is my story. I have been seeing a girl, but it is a bit hit and miss. The main problem is we live about fifty miles apart, and there is also the issue of seeing each other around our schedules, it is hard to fit it in sometimes. When we do meet up it has been really good, lots of kissing and stuff. When we are not together, I just dont know what to think. For a period I was the only one who would initiate any contact, ask her to meet up etc. This suddenly changed when she started randomly getting in touch for no reason whatsoever, which was nice. But now she has gone quiet again. This latest phase started when I asked her to meet up again, but she said she couldnt as she had a lot of stuff on. That was probably fair enough, I knew that was going to be a problem. There was some nice contact while I waited for her to be free again.Then one day suddenly, I get a text saying that I dont show her any love and that I need to work with her. I sent a rather lame reply but didnt hear from her for two days when she said she was drunk and didnt remember sending it. Everything was going well until she sent that. Anyway she returned from her travels and I asked to meet up again but didnt hear anything in return. I pretty much gave up there and then. I sent one last how are you message and didnt hear anything until randomly she replied to it six days later, which I found odd. I had practically given up but the fact that she replied albeit really late has given me some hope I guess. I would really like to work something out, but I dont want to come on to strong by spilling out my feelings or anything, and I really dont know if there is any point in doing anything anyway. I was wondering, it is her birthday soon, is it worth getting in touch, sending a card or something, just to see how things are between us? What should I do, if anything? Or as the title suggest, should I just leave it?



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I wouldn't send her a card... At the "max" I would send her an e-mail or a text and say "hey, happy birthday"... Something seems "odd" with her, so, if I were you, I would try to forget about her and move on... she is either playing agmes, or , she just isn't all that interested.

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