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broke NC


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don't panic!! N/C is like a diet - just because you fall of the wagon once - doesn't mean you can eat what ever you want. and definitely doesn't mean you can call or text him when ever you want....


chilll.....you returned the call probably out of instinct..if he calls back - answer. Don't play games...


N.C shall resume after this short distruption!!



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he text to say he apologised for missing hte call and will call tomorrow morning and he wanted to give me night kisses but it is not appropriate he misses me and is very sad - i didnt pick the phone this morning when he called what was i going to say we would have just got in a mood after all i dumped him only because he made me and he is leaving the country and didnt factor me in hence decided he wanted to see the greass is greener there and not get married to me - he says those who get married hate it - we are both committment phobes but i had decided i was ready and now he isnt - forget it NC again right?

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