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ex msgd me

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so the ex msgd me twice yesterday.... she said my msn name sounds gross... then an hour later she asked me how much weight ive lost... i laughed and closed the windows both times, then just went offline..... my buddy thinks shes msgd me to see how im feeling, to give her peace of mind, but i dont think so... but shes the 1 that said she didnt wanna talk to me, but she broke the silence... nevermind tho i kept it going on my part lol i think if i msgd her back it would just be a set up for falure....

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so much and just chillax man


its just talk...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhesh


no way... its still to fresh, and i aint getin my hopes up just to crash and burn... not this early, ill let it ferment for a little... like the saying goes "absense makes the heart grow fonder"


sometimes tho i don't know if that is even true to be honest.....

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that actually becomes part of the persons actually personality...


i mean think about it...


i know for myself...i have put out an friendly offer so many times that it went from sincerity to what it represents now....and the process of doing so has actually made me realize just how far we drift apart in what we are as people each time until it reached a point where it actually became a benefit...it actually helped me...and let go of that person as what she represented and allowed me to really be aware when i met someone that was the total opposite...it's quite the culture shock...i guess i still do it just to shake her out of the dangerzone...but this process has already allowed me to see how things really were and how i had been thinking about things and how i can really just play along with her and know that it has no impact...it has actually provided the push and the person i now see totally gets it...she understands what i am doing and doesn't question me because she understands the timeline, the process, etc.


so, its kewl man

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SuperDave....why would she ask you how much weight you've lost?? Did she mean that as an insult? Not sure how to advise without more details...


lol she said that because ive bin exercising like its a religion now... n i have lost a bit of weight since we broke up... n the whole time we were together she would nag me to loose weight n i never got on it... her friends probably told her


if she wanted to insult me she wouldnt coment on my weight

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