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A close friend of mine and I have had some talks to eachother before about us being together but a while back we got real close and I thugh that finally there may be a little something here. So anyway I met her boyfriend who shes been dating for six months and its pretty obvious that hes a lot like me. From the way he looks and his interests and stuff.


At any rate I feel really hurt because I feel as though I am being replaced (one of my friends told me to think of it as shes distrating herself) by hime or something. Is this how I should feel. And not too long ago she told me how she felt like she couldn't get over me and I ws way more than any friend.


And now she is totally avoiding me. She said she was mad cause she heard me say something about her but we talked about that and everything. I posted earlier and the concensus was that she was confused about what she wants but this avoiding me is really hurting me. Any advice fomr anyone.

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Hey S.o.G,

I know what you mean, I've been in a similar situation myself. When friends start to become something more and then, for whatever reason, it doesn't happen, you're left in a pretty awkward place. My guess is she's avoiding you because she either isn't sure of her feelings or just feels that awkwardness.

When I was in this place, I made sure to give my friend some "space," but also made sure she knew I still considered her a good friend and was there is she needed me for anything. In time, the awkwardness passes.

Best of luck to you!

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