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Happy times are here again!! Wooohhoooo!

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Well.. I just want to say.. thanks! To everyone who took the time to see me through this difficult month.


I have been to hell and back but I've really come up smelling of daisies.. Ie. I'm happy happy happy! And happy times are here to stay!


When my ex dumped me I thought it was the end of the world. I was living in HIS town with HIS mates and I thought I'd be left out and dumped by everyone. I considered running back home to the parents.. even though it would've meant a huge drive to and from work every day.


But oh no! Not ONLY has my ex told me to stay.. He's also told me he'd miss me loads if I went and that he needs me as a friend. And all of his mates have persuaded me to stay too. I also think I'm well on the way to being over him.. to a point where I can be with him and not be so upset. I don't think I fancy him anymore anyway but feelings are still there but going more and more each day. And I'm going out a lot and enjoying myself. Kissing other men and arranging dates.


It couldn't all come at a better time either as it's my birthday next week and I'm having a party on Saturday to celebrate. All my mates are coming from home as well as mine and the ex's.. And I just can't wait.


I guess I see this party as a chance to shine and really show myself and others that I've shed an old skin to reveal a stronger, wiser and happier one. One that I'm very comfortable living in.


If it wasn't for all the heartache, confusion and fallouts I wouldn't be the person I am today and I'm really proud of myself for being brave and getting through it.


And I just wanted to let you know because you've walked with me every step of the way. And I thought it would be nice to put something positive on this website for a change.


I hope others in similar situations have a happy ending too and I hope you all sort whatever is bothering you out!


Lots and lots of love, Goldie xxxxxx

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Yey Goldie!!! Im happy for you, it's good to know that you are being strong, moving on, and life is treating you good!


Something good always ends with something bad. Something bad always ends with something good. Its like a cycle or something. But I hope it stays good for you in this case with your ex. Especially after reading your post, it seems like things were going tough for you.


GOod Luck and have fun on your birthday!

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I am sooooo happy for you. I don´t know if I have answered any of your postings, but I have kept up with your story.

When I read the subject of your posting and saw it was you I felt very happy.When I read it my eyes got watered! It is so nice to know that happy endings do happen. I am so glad for you my friend. YOu have been really strong in getting through this. YOu are also obviously a better person through it all, which sets a great example for us all.

I specially see yours as a success story because though your ex has restored his appreciation for you, yet you are not in that desperate stage where he is still an addiction. You are a happier, stronger, more mature, amazing Goldie! You came in an ugly duckling to enotalone, full of anxiety, pain and the grieving process, and now you get to leave a happy, graceful sure of her self Swan!

Congrats princess and thanks for being an inspiration to us all. Your story does prove to me that this horrible pain DOES GO AWAY, and that we can emerge better, stronger people from.

Thanks again and best of luck for a beautiful, loved filled future.


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Thank you guys! What two lovely posts those were. How can I begin to thank you even more.


Yeah it's nice to have a happy ending isn't it. Life is still good and I'm looking forward to the weekend for the first time in ages. So thanks again. And I'll let you know how I go!


Hugs, G xxx

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