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Ewwwie question about persons in a coma (sorry in advance)

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Ok, I started wondered this since I watched Pedro Almodóvar's "Hable con ella" (Talk with her). This movie is about 2 women that are in a coma, they've been like that for years.


Anyhoo, nurses are always taking care of them, giving them baths, changing the bedsheets for preventing bedsores and all that.


Now, I think they are feeded by.... a tube? Or serum?


My question is... do people in a coma crap or they don't? I know... ew! But how does that work? Do they pee? Or can human body just stop having that function when there's no actual food on the stomach, and the intestines just shut down?


Is really intriguing...

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Usually they are fed by a naso-gastric tube that deposits liquid nutrients into their stomach...

The colons job is the extract the water from the food we eat, so their diet being primarily liquid, there is little to no waste produced.

They have foley catheters to draw the urine from the bladder..

The are also supplemented through their various IVs. Some have other medical paraphenalia also.. direct stomach feeding tubes, colostomy bags, etc, depending on their condition and needs.

The rectum, if hydrated, produces a natural mucous that will still need to be cleaned away to prevent chapping even in the absense of food.




Don't be sorry to ask questions... how else will you know?

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