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Military relationship

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I'm currently seeing a guy who is getting ready to train for the Navy SEALS. Right now he's on hold because his classes won't be starting until January, then he'll be heading off to California. Meanwhile, I'm currently in the Navy as well and training as an IT in Florida. So we're already dealing with the fact that we're several miles apart from one another and can barely communicate as it is. I'm really worried about where our relationship will be heading though, because SEALS go through some pretty intense training through the BUDDS program and everything else. For at least 6 months, as I've been told by other Navy servicemen, I won't be able to talk to him because he'll be in isolation due to his training. I want to be there for him as much as I can. I know it'll be really rough, but I haven't gotten all of the details yet. It really sounds terrible. I know he'll do well though. If you've been through a relationship like this and have some advice I'm all ears.



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Hey Nikole-


I was in the military and knew of several LDRs going on between military folks.


Basically what you've seen of the military, right now, what you see of the military, the training aspects, is not the real military. After you finish your training and get permanent station, your life will change probably for the better...


But if you guys are so far apart and barely communicate as is and he isn't even starting SEALs training until Jan., you have a long, tough road ahead of you. What is the background between you two? How long have you known each other?


But from my experience in the military and having seen what I've seen, I want to give you positive advice Nikole, I really do. The most honest and realistic assessment from what you've written and what I've seen is that this thing has a slim chance of working out long term...


So I would see how things shake out but I wouldn't get too wrapped up in this relationship by any means. No fear though, there are "plenty of other fish in the sea"... (couldn't resist the oceanic pun there...sorry...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a friend that is in the Army. He is dating one of my friends. And what friscodj said... maybe what you will see ahead.


The only reason why my friends might make it through is because they are thinking about getting married and once he gets stationed and done with his "boot camp", they will then be able to possibly live together, but marriage is what's going to have to take place in order for that to happen.


I am sorry I was of no help.


Best of luck to you.

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