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A question for tall girls


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Well it seems that I have finnaly gotten lucky and ran into a tall girl in one of my classes. She seems to have interest, how much it is hard to say as today she seem to be on a shy side as she was biting her nails and playing with her hair pretty much the for full length of the class. She look to her left (I was on her left side), but only truly look back a couple of times. I was sitting in the row behind her. But the thing that is making me flip flop is that she had a chance to sit next to me as there was an empty chair next to me. I did my best to "present" it, but instead she sat in the row in front of me. When she went in the row in front of me I made eye contact and gave a small smile, and she bearly gave one back.


I did tried to talk to her when we where leaving, but the other people in the class got in the way, and me and her go in opposite directions after that class, so unless I want to be late to my next class (which will not be a good thing as it is a quarter class), so talking to her is going to be diffcult unlit my quarter class ends, but she may has loss interest by then. And if your wondering why I didn't move, because I was already sitting and class was about to start, and there was no empty chair next to her to move to.


But the thing I hear, mostly from moms (why I have no freaking clue why, lol), is that girls want guys my height, especially the tall girls. I would think that this girl would have sat next to me today in class so that I could talk to her. I know how shyness can effect you as I use to be very shy, but I would think that she would make the move. I keep on trying, as finding a girl this tall that is not blowing me off is a rare thing to find.


But if I could get replys from tall girls on their responses and thoughts on this that woud be very very very helpful to me as I will have a better understanding of whats going thru her mind. And I could at least come up with something that may help me.

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Wow 6'6.Thats really tall.How tall do you think she is?
Around the 5'10 mark. Which is part of the reason why I am putting in more of an effort than I usually do.


lozic21 - Thank you for the uh complament. But I don't think you need to tell me that pratically every girl out there is into tall guys. The first day back at college, I basically had every girl in sight looking at me, and some where even giving me "looks".

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I want to, but so far my attempts in talking to her have failed. I was thinking about her showing up to class bearly on time, and I remembered that she had problems with her account, and today in class she told the teacher her account is worrking now. So I am hoping she was in the computer lab trying to fix her account. And now that it is fixed, I am hoping she will show up earlier so I can at least try and talk to her.


I won't see her until next wedensday, but I see what I can do. This should be interesting tho.

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