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i kinda just want to vent and see if anyone else can relate:


I'm frustrated with intolerant people or people who feel like they can pigeon-hole an entire group of people without even knowing any circumstances.


I just know what it feels like to be labeled something you're not and I never want to be that person doing the labeling.


It's just so frustrating. I'm sitting in class and these people who have led these sheltered lives and been conformed and fitted into these molds say things about situations they know nothing about. Not that I am so wise, I just know not to jump to conclusions and to step outside of my own frame of reference before I form concrete opinions.


I just wish the whole world could get scrambled up and turned upside down and inside out for just one day.


I just wanna scream sometimes. Look at somebody else's pain for just a minute instead of judging them strictly from your point of view. God, I think everybody needs to be in the minority at some point in their lifetime to gain a little perspective...

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Well, we are all going to be a minority at some point in our lives, whether its the color of our skin or by our beliefs. Here's a quote from the movie "Gettysburg" "The thing is, you cannot judge a race. Anyman who judges by the group is a pea-wit." I don't have the full quote after this but it's something like you take men one at a time. I've always liked this quote. So thats what I try to do: judge people one at a time.


Note: I am not promoting the movie, I just wanted to cite and give credit to the source where I got the quote.

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I agree.


Even people that we label 'criminals' shouldn't be treated so harshly. They need sympathy just as much as anyone else.


It irks me when my parents make judgements about people they see in the news or on TV when they don't know a damn thing about their lives or even the whole story behind it.


Everything needs to be taken very carefully and processed, even if it immediately goes against your deepest beliefs. It's a healthy habit to keep challenging your own beliefs as you get older.


After all, any one of us is living such a small reality compared to the grand scope of things.

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It would be good to mix all people, add all cultures, dfiffuse all faiths


Interesting thing is that groups like the KKK say that mixing races and cultures is what leads to misery, confusion and violence, 'destroying the rainbow'. Not that I agree or disagree, just an observation.

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