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Ladies please tell me what you think about any guy giving you flowers. Even if you don't like them. How do you feel when you get them. Such as a Phrase like " Just thought id say that i love you". Do you get emmotional, and would you prefer the flowers around your friends, or by yourself? Oh yeah and would you prefer them to be delivered in person or by someone else?

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Getting flowers is always so fun and yes emotional too. U start to think that maybe this guy likes u and that feels really good. Also she may start to see u as a more romantic guy, or just all aroiund nice guy. i love gettin flowers. Give them to her wen shes alone, it shows that u arent tryin to prove anything to anyone but her. Of course she iwll call up all her friends right away and tell them, but thats not the pint. Alone is betta, well to me ne ways - more personal ya kno?. hope it helped.



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Awww flowers are so great! I love them. Giving them in front of her friends in person might be a bit uncomfortable, as all of her friends may comment(depending on age). You might want to try something suave, like leaving them on her doorstep for her to find. If you want to deliver them, I would suggest in person so you can see the look on her face. But flowers are great!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I sent flowers to a girl Im rapidly falling for yesterday night at work.


I would have given them in person, but I felt showing up at work with them wasnt right, for the moment in our... relationship. Still friends.


So, I went to the florist, handpicked a HUGE bouquet and sent it out with a personal msg in a card (oh and a Panda bear, she loves them).


This is the kicker, the card read :




and my name.


She called me at lunch time, she flipped, it made her day and opened the way


Read my post, you'll see the details.



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My bf sent me a huge bouquet to work one time, and I had no idea what was going on. That was the only time I ever received flowers and it was great. I cried, but felt a little weird crying in front of my boss. Some guy delivered them, not my bf, but it was good that way too. It doesn't really matter...they're flowers and it shows the girl you were thinking of nothing but her when you send them to her.

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