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my guy admitted he likes what my bff looks like, but not her


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i dont get jealous easy, because im pretty confidant, but recently my guy admitted that he thinks my best friend looks good but he doesnt like her. instead of getting jealous about these things, i get competitive. now i feel like every time i look at her, in my head, i compare myself to her and bring myself up. i think she is really pretty even though shes not stick skinny. the problem is, even though we weigh close to the same, i wear like 2 pant sizes smaller than her and my thighs & butt are smaller. so now every time i look at her my head goes "you're smaller than that, you look better in a bikini" i love my best friend to death and i know that my guy doesnt like her he just likes her appearance. i would never say my thoughts out loud when i think that stuff, but i'm afraid eventually it's going to make me hate her no matter how hard i try not to get competitive. help!

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ITS A MIND TRAP....stop now.....you are letting his very common normal thoughts make you feel bad! I would really hate to see you do this to yourself, the reality is....he is attracted to all kinds of women.....its not a competition! I promise!!!

He is with you because he adores WHO you are and the wonderful things you have to offer...not just your looks. No matter how you try and change what you look like...he won't like you anymore or any less....

You just have to stop and take a look at the entire package you have to offer, and know...without doubt....that it gets no better than you, you are perfect just the way you are.

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You say you don't get jealous, but to a lot of people reading this you will be. One of the characteristics of a jealous person is the fact that they don't actually see themselves as being jealous (this is coming from someone with close hand experience of jealousy).


It's only natural that when your bf spoke of your friend that you would look at her and think these thoughts and that you would think that your bf would be comparing you (that's kind of how a lot of people's minds work)..However, now that you realise what's happening you need to stop this from going any further.


For some reason you might be feeling a little insecure right now, and I say this because if you weren't you would not feel competitive or jealous so maybe having a little look at your life in general will shed some light on this. Sometimes other things happen to us that make us bring out our insecurities in different ways and maybe jealousy is your way.


Your bf obviously wants you because he would not be with you but maybe you need a little reassurance on this and maybe by asking him in a light manner you can get this from him.


When ever you look at your friend and think of these thoughts you really need to tell yourself to stop! Then start thinking of a nice memory, this is thought distraction and done enough you will eventually be able to stop these thoughts, but it does take hard work!


good luck!

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All men find other women attractive, your man just did not think how it would make you fell if he told you, your friend looked nice.



I have been there before. I just told myself that I look ten times better than her!


As long as he loves you do not worry.


Trust me honey your problem is nothing compared to most people here.


As long as he is not hitting on her or trying to hook up with her behind your back do not sweat it.


Make up in areas where she does not compare!


He may like girls who have a little meat on the bone Example: J. Lo , so do not knock your friend.


I am thin and skinny too! My BF Loves women with curves so I get kind of jealous too!

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