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Career meets Relationship Drama... Sigh...

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I can't tell if I'm just tripping out about nothing or if it's something... So I'm here to ask what y'all think...??


So, I had a little fling with a boy in another country. It didn't end up so well. I'm pretty sure he was just using me. He stopped talking to me. I'm not going to get into all of the details because they aren't relevant.


In the process of the fling, he introduced me to a woman who seemed awesome. Later, I saw her in the market, she gave me her phone number and told me to call her anytime. I got a good feeling from her energy, she reminded me of an old friend.


When I came back to the U.S. he and I were still on relatively good terms, kind of rocky. I decided to move to the country, not because of him (he isn't living there anymore, but there is a possibility he might go back), but because I loved the place a lot (that was why I went there) and found that there was a good opportunity to volunteer with an org right down my ally or a hospital.


I called the woman, she gave me lots of info and seemed very positive about me coming out there. Later I talked to dude and he was upset I called her. I said that I hadn't said anything about him, rather that I just was trying to collaborate on some projects with her (which was true). He seemed to calm down a lot and relax. He said he wanted to talk to me. But then all of a sudden he stopped answering my calls. She didn't answer her phone either, but she had told me beforehand she didn't have caller i.d (I had to give her my number when I called her). I was worried he might have said something about me to her. I kept calling him (too much) but he wouldn't answer... Mind you he is very immature and extremely macho and I had called him out on some things he didn't want to listen to and I wasn't incredibly gentle about it.


When I did finally get in touch with her, she seemed really nice. She asked me who I had been in touch with at the organization. She said, oh, yes, he is a good friend of mine...


I later started to worry that she might say something about me to the guy. I sent him one email last night about the grantwriting and he didn't respond, now mind you I didn't ask him a question, I just forwarded some info. Now I am paranoid. I want to go there feeling welcome but I am anxious about being unwanted or something. But I can't think of anything to write him that might solicit a response so I'm sure I'm wanted or what...

Any suggestions?

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Ehm yeah, stop letting your life depend on other people. Besides the story is a bit vague, its unclear why a guy would get angry when a girl would call a girl(assuming your a female) Its strange ,it all sounds so bussiness alike, and yet again so childish, if i where you id just carry on and do what you want to do without letting your choices in life depend so much on other people. Just do what you want in life without hurting other people.

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