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Supervisor is bugging me

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I started a job a couple months ago. I like the job, but the supervisor bugs me too much. She is so n oswey and she is so intrusive. I don't like to be constantly dealing with her. Her boss told me to keep a diary. She said it looks like she is singling me out.

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Good thing you talked to her boss. I know how it is, I had supervisors like that when I was still doing temp jobs during uni. The job was just to earn money to get me through uni, but the way they treated me (and other students in general) was so draining! I worked 10 hours a week only in that time, but it really worn me out.


Keep in touch with her boss, and show her the diary when you see certain patterns. Do you have coworkers that do the same work as you do? Maybe you can ask them about their experiences with the supervisor, but be very careful when doing so. Keep it light and casual, like just asking 'are you satisfied working here?'



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