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Get back with her or not???

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Hey all.. Rough evening. I was riding back to my friends house when my buddy who was driving in front of me rolled his truck 3 times. i saw it all. i was right behind him when it happened. i thank God that he's okay, and that he was wearing his seatbelt..just keep him in your prayers please..


But ok, here's the problem. I have feelings for my ex again, and I want to hang out with her tomorrow. But, my other female friend likes me and i like her. but shes still having "relations" with my friend. So what do i do? It's driving me nuts and i know i've posted a few before on this but i cant stand it! help please!

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take one step at a time, deal with one then the other. your ex first or your female friend. so try and have something with either one if it doesnt work you always got the other one...


im 16, so maybe not the best advice just a thought

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