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dinner date with ex

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First of all I want to say that this forum has been such a big help. The question I have is that my ex wants to meet me for dinner tonight for the first time in over a month of not seeing her she sent a e-mail stating if we was on for later and that she can't wait to see me my question is I want some does and don'ts what to bring up in conversation and what not to bring up thanks for your help.

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IMO obviously you want her back. So play it cool, that doesn't mean sit there and be boring.


Talk about anything and everything. If she brings up that's fine, But ask her why she feels the need to bring any of that up.


Be listening for any hints she might be giving you about her feelings. The bottom line is don't sweat loosing her, she's still lost. But if she's trying to get closer let her in, but don't try to push her back in.


Tonight is all about being there for her. Listen and then make her feel like she wants to feel, not how you want.

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Yes, Bazooka Mike is right on this one. This dinner is for her, she called, she made the arrangements, etc. So i'd recommend you not reveal as much about yourself unless you feel its ABSOLUTELY necessary. Go to the dinner as friends and only change that opinion if she makes a move towards you. You should be aware that she may just be confused about what she wants, come back to you, and then leave again...but I don't know her.


Anyways, yeah play it cool. Don't reveal much about your thoughts on the break-up except to say you're doing great.


That's my two cents.



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I concur with these fellas.

It doesn't seem like you're desperate, but even if you are, don't let that leak through...sounding/acting desperate is scccaaarrrryyyy.

So, be friendly, be nice, be supportive. Keep the questions away from the relationship area. I bet she'll bring it up, though. When she does, make sure you keep your "aire of independence" about you... meaning make sure you act like everything has been a-okay in your life since she left. (which is probably true)

Nothing to get nervous about. Just think of it as two friends gettin' together to say "what's up." If you keep the expectations down, you won't get disappointed if something doesn't (or does!) happen as you expected.


Have fun!

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