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help me make her come!!

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my gf and i recently took eachother's virginity but i think our lack of experience/knowledge is keeping her from coming. we've had sex 7 times now but i can only bring her to climax by doing the "come here" motion while fingering her. she seems to have no reaction to any kind of clitoral stimulation. i've asked her what feels good and tried every movement i can think of on her clit but she says it feels no better than me rubbing her elbow. also, she doesn't feel comfortable with me giving her oral so that eliminates that possibility atleast for now. intercourse also does nothing for her but we both agree its not a lack of size so i guess theres a problem with my technique there too. she swears its not my fault but i still feel pretty bad that she can't come. help me out if u can!

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For females, sex is as (if not more) mental as it is physical. Perhaps you aren't allotting enough time to foreplay. A girl must feel both safe and comfortable in order to enjoy sex as much as possible. Ensure that it is just the two of you in whatever location you decide to do this in, and make sure she knows you genuinely care about her reactions to your efforts. Before engaging in oral, try kissing your way up her leg to her vagine and then down the other one and back up. Similar techniques help her to experience sensations on different parts of her body, not just the obvious ones. Kissing is also very important to women as it seems to signify your passion for the relationship. Varying your kissing (rain, against the wall, etc.) can help enhance the sexual experience. Try lightly biting certain sensuous parts of her body (nipples, lips, ears, etc). This can help stimulate signals to a body region a bit more southern. That's my .02, good luck.



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it's worth it for you to get a book called "she comes first". Your experience is 100% normal, for a good percentage of woman having an orgasm can take sometime, you will have to learn for yourself that usually it is not like a mans orgasm buildup, but much much more slower and difficult to achieve, esp in intercourse, because often the man comes before the girl is even getting going, and then of course as she is getting hotter and hotter to that point, it can be difficult for a man to control himself. You are doing right in asking questions and wanting your girl to have an orgasm. By the way, when she does have a real one, it'll be a nice surprise for both of you.

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it's worth it for you to get a book called "she comes first". Your experience is 100% normal, for a good percentage of woman having an orgasm can take sometime, you will have to learn for yourself that usually it is not like a mans orgasm buildup, but much much more slower and difficult to achieve, esp in intercourse, because often the man comes before the girl is even getting going, and then of course as she is getting hotter and hotter to that point, it can be difficult for a man to control himself. You are doing right in asking questions and wanting your girl to have an orgasm. By the way, when she does have a real one, it'll be a nice surprise for both of you.


I don't see this as true. Some women just cannot achieve an orgasm through intercouse... I can last hours while having sex if I want and if It looks like my g/f is enjoying herself. But after that she is just sore heh. I mean yeah she is squirming all over the place during sex, and she has tears going down her face because it feels so good, but no orgasm. But she says its like she is on the verge of one but just can't 'release' it.

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