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Ok everybody...something is going on with my boss, we are both pretty young. Anyways, after work hours we would start talking well actually he would do the talking and i would listen to him and try to be understanding. He would tell me about how the employees discourage him from time to time. The details of the problems are supposed to remain confidential but he tells me about it. This man is hard to read, he will stare at my eyes, my lips for what seems a long time, he will also glance at my breasts....well i know that i was sort of asking for it but still, its not because a guy were a speedo that i am going to stare at his crotch...do u guys get the picture...anyways i came to work one day with a white dress that revealed my cleavage but not in a vulgar way, like the crack of my breasts barely showed, but guess what the first thing he did after saying hi to me was to stare at my cleavage, anyways. So getting back to our conversation moments. Well he just comes to me and starts talking and talking and i try to advise him of the best solutions. Anyways! Long story, short story...what is happening, is it leading somewhere else than just work!! Is there a possible relationship that can grow out of this. Anyways!


PLease boys and girls reply if you can!!!

thanks so much!

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So...I'm not so sure I understand what you're trying to ask. You want to get out of this relationship between you and your boss......or are you wanting to know if it's a good idea if you and your boss should be having after hour flings?? Because if you want out....


I think you should go report him to H.R. and talk to someone in H.R. confidentially...it's worth a shot. Sexual ...umm...whatever it's called....at the workplace is not tollerated!



But if you want to stay friends or more with him...well I think you know what to do ...But I really think what you're trying to say is that you want out of this "relationship" between you and your boss....right?

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No actually I am trully interested by him but i do not think he feels the same way, since he never asks how i am doing or if everything is good....he is the one talking all the time, so basically i wanted to know if he could be into me or he just think that i am a good listener!

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he will also glance at my breasts....well i know that i was sort of asking for it but still, its not because a guy were a speedo that i am going to stare at his crotch...do u guys get the picture...anyways i came to work one day with a white dress that revealed my cleavage but not in a vulgar way, like the crack of my breasts barely showed, but guess what the first thing he did after saying hi to me was to stare at my cleavage, anyways.


Phhh... means nothing. He's a GUY. Guys do that. I do that.


Means absolutely nothing.


If you really like him, why don't you joke around about the idea of the two of you being together. See how he reacts.

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Not to beat down your thoughts but yes, dont take him looking at your chest as him liking you. IMHO i think i try my best to not look at the girls chest or bum if i like her. Yes i still look at it, but i try to be more respectful of the ones im interested in.

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I often have to catch MYSELF and revert my eyes' attention back to where they belong. Men have a very hard time controlling their eyes as a rule. I doubt if he is an exception. I am 24 myself and do the very same thing to many girls I meet. Not even intentionally, but it happens.

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It doesn't really sound like he's the one doing anything wrong if that's what you're implying. Afterall, this quote from you...




...makes it clear that you are the one hoping for more in this relationship, not him. Hopefully he doesn't claim that you are sexually harassing him!


If you don't want men, women, or humans to stare at your body parts, or 'breast cracks', then simply cover them,...with clothing.

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