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Not getting a call back


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Hi - I met some one and we had a very strong attraction. He asked me out & we had a great time & yes we were physical - and it was the best experience I had ever had (We are both in our 30's) I left him a (had a nice evening with you e-mail 2 days later - no response. Left a "saying hi" message on his cell - a week later - no response, and almost 2 weeks later sent a comical e-mail questionaire which basically gave him an opportunity to tell me (via a checkmark) that he had a nice time but wasn't interested - still no response. I'm almost positive he doesn't have a relationship because I met married friends of his and we were obviously on a date and everything seemed very positive. He even said he thought the sex was amazing and I don't think either of us have had many partners (I haven't and neither did he - he didn't seem like a player - I've met those before. Yet even the players told me when they weren't interested. Very confused- and he initiated the date. Thank you for listening.

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What can i say, no matter how great a guy seems, if your looking for something serious, never have sex on the first date. nor the second and only maybe consider it on the 3rd and only after you really got to know the person.


take it from this guy, I wouldnt value a women much if she slept with me on the first date, I probably wouldnt say no if she wanted to though.


Its strange i know, guys want sex, but also respects and appreciates the woman more if she doesnt sleep with him right away. To a man, this tell him, she is selective, and chooses her man carefully, so the day she does have sex, he knows its because she thinks of him as good enough for her, and that makes him feel special.


as for players, the best ones, dont look like players, remember that.

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