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Need a little help understanding....

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....my situation. I was getting to know a guy via phone (we had hung out a couple times in person too) and he seemed very interested in me. He always called me "gorgeous", mentioned how smart I was and how attractive that was, and I really thought he liked me. He called me EVERY day for 5weeks...and then all of a sudden it stopped....and I haven't heard from him since. It's been over a week.


I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong, but looking back, I can't see anything that I could've done wrong, as he kept praising me and complimenting me to the very last conversation we had. And it wasn't a one-way street, I complimented him a lot as well because I really did enjoy him. Now I'm just confused!

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You need to be more specific in your post. Did you guys have sex? If you didn't have sex, he probably was using you and when you didn't give him sex, he gave up and was probably trying to go elsewhere. But I don't know. You need to elaborate more on it.

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I have gone through the EXACT SAME THING. Could this be the same guy??? lol. This has happened to me a lot. Guys approach me, they talk to me, then all of a sudden start ignoring me. And I will NEVER have a clue as to why they did this to me. If you think the problem is you, you really would've figured out what you did was wrong by now.


I came up with some reasons:

1. They probably found another girl.

2. They probably wanted sex but didn't get it (but in my situation, I wouldn't let them go so far)

3. They probably changed their mind and don't know what to do, so they decided to be a complete * * * * * * * and ignore you.


I don't know. There are better guys out there who will treat you much better. Trust me. It's their loss. What goes around, comes around.

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Well, obviously he was not serious about what he said. This is not to say you're not gorgous or that you did something wrong its just that he may be type to say those things to any attractive girl that comes his way. Also, he may just like to have a little fun with a girl and then leave her for someone else. I hate guys like that but unfortunately, there is no way of recognizing them before you get to know them, so they just merge in among the other nice guys and by chance we happen to come accross them every once in a while

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Being a nice guy, what this guy did seems very unfair. If he honestly enjoyed your conversations he would'nt have stopped calling. Don't waste your time trying to figure out what you did wrong because from what I could tell you really hav'nt done anything wrong unless you're not telling us something, but I think you are. Just be glad things did'nt go any farther with this , don't beat yourself up and just try and focus on the positive. Goodluck.

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perhaps he got nervous for a spell?


its possible and likely, mind you, that he is a sleaze, but perhaps he is waiting for a reciprocation on your part of what he has been doing to you


i.e. calling him, complimenting him, etc.


make your own moves...its eases tensions



of course I could be WAY off track as I don't know the guy you speak of or know enough about him.

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