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The music fills my very soul

"A thousand lies have made me colder. "("here without u" 3doorsdown)

And I don't think I can look at this the same"

i am suspicious of everyone

trusting of almost no one

and every day i stare at the mirror

and try to decide between

hating those who have made me this way

or hating myself for choosing them

every day as i do my makeup and my hair

and slip on that invisible mask that protects me from the world

my patched up heart wonders where the lies stop and the truth begins



*sorry, i know the writing in this poem SUCKS. its 2:30 am and im tired, but i needed to get the message out lol.*

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hello Emptysoul


Do you really feel this way?


Yours is the good soul that trusts, and gives the benefit of the doubt, if others should lose your trust, they are the ones that lose, for a precious gift you will no longer give them again.



The ones that have caused you harm in the past can no longer hurt you, only you can hurt you now.


we all put on our invisable masks or shields to protects us from the world, but will again make ourselfs vulnerable again to the one that steals our hearts, for the promise of love is our kriptonite, it melts our shields, and smashes our masks, it makes the past a foolish place because all you can think of is the future, with a new found love.


The truth is in your heart, the Lie is believing you cannot love again.

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