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How do you tell if a girl likes you?

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Hi!- I will like some help at this!!!


I know this girl that I like a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-. And alwais when I greet her or talk to her she smiles. I know that she stares at me a bit, and when I make a joke-she always laugh.


Could you tell me if she really likes me, and how to find out please. I could really need it!!!

And could you tell me what to do to show her that I like her!!!!!!

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ok well the whole laughing at your jokes and looking at you is a sure sign. What you could do to show her you have an intrest and to find out if she likes you is to do this:

Next time you are with her stare at her when shes not looking, people can tell when someone is doing that so she will look at you, then when she makes eye contact with you smile really big and look away (down) and then wait like 2 seconds and look back. All with a big smile on your face. But not like a huge cheesy dumb smile, a real one.

You should be able to tell by her reaction to what you did if she likes you or not. But this is not a 100% sure test, it works on some people but everyone is different.



NOW...... you tell me how to tell if a guy likes me?????

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There's a possibility that this girl likes you...If you really want to find out, ask her directly...


Based on your post, the fact that she smiles back when you talk or greet her could also mean that she's just being nice to you (and could mean nothing more than that). You also know that she stares at you (or at your direction); This might just be a coincidence(depending on how many times you have seen her doing this), or it might also mean that she was looking for something/someone at your vicinity/direction. And she smiles laughs a lot when you tell a joke; you might be good on telling jokes.


I had this experience with a girl who, I thought, likes me; she did the same thing as what you said. I asked her out, but she wants me as a friend, nothing more.


Your other choices if you really want to find out (without asking her) if she likes you or not are:


-- FLIRT WITH HER (if she flirts back, there might be something there).

-- TELL A LAME JOKE (if she likes you, she'll find all your jokes--even lame ones, funny).

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