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My ex and I broke up about a month ago. We were together for about 3 years, but the past year has been on and off at best. She wanted her space but we still talked until i saw her out with somebody else and i cut it off completely. She has now been talking to someone else the past month and says she is happy but still calls me late at night especially proabably drunk. I told her to stop calling, that it is to hard but after 3 or 4 days ill get another call. She's the one who wanted the space, and she tells me herself that she is happy now, so why is she calling me? spite, rubbing it in? im lost!! Just last night i told her again to stop for good its to hard, i miss her alot but i THINK i made the right descision, Did I?

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wow Im goign through the same thing right now!! We went a month without talking and now she wont leave me alone. She is with someone else but still tries to keep contact. I tell her she screwed me over so I dont want to talk to her. Even though it feels good to know she still thinks about me, I know her and I will never be able to make things work. Not even as friends. Now I have been just screening my calls and avoiding her online. I suggest you do the same or have your number changed. She is probably realizing the grass isnt greener on the other side and how good you were to her. It usually takes girls a good month or so to realize this. Hang in there and dont give until she begs LOL!!!

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ur right- if shes with someone else and happy then she really shouldnt be calling you, especially when its not helping u feel any better. i would ask her what is her reason for calling you. if it was out of spite, i think she would have stopped already, but the way she is doing it seems to be to try to make you jealous or something, and to want to do that, it would be likely that she still has some type of feelings for you...that is just what i think... 8)

also, when a girl has to brag about a relationship it usually means the relationship isnt as good as shes making it out to be...

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