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How can I tell if she likes me and what she trying to get at

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For about the last 6 months I have been in love with the girl of my dreams, but i cant tell if she really likes me or not plus she has a boyfriend who she constantly says is not cool enough to do anything and is always saying things around me about him that is negitive, like - He would never do this with me, and he always forgets when i tell him, u never lie to me. She even went as far as saying she does not like dating younger guys when i am 17 she is 15 and about to be 16 and he just turned 15. She is always around me when i get invited to go with her and her b/f somewhere. She accually flirts more with me around him and P.O.'s him and he acts all depressed, she is always cursing at him and calling him obscene names behind his back and to his face, and she has been so mad that she has said it was over several times but then it suddenly is fine the next day. She also always calls me when she is not feeling good and when she is having a problem or is sad and crying she calls me right away. She use to just say "bye" when i talked to her on the phone but for the last month almost its been "Goodnight" when we go to bed instead of see you tomarrow and "love you! bye" all the time. Its all quite ¿confusing? She also seems more calm around me and shows most of the common signs that she likes me cuz i recently went to a fastival with her and out of no where she just keeps jumping on my back and asking me for piggy back rides which i thought was kinda odd that she would do that. And always locking her arm near mine so she feels secure or something. I also have found that things like the touching on the arm and eye contact thing have worked and seem good like many others have said. But u get the idea cuz i could go on. Can u help me out a little! PLEASE!!!!!!!! What the hell is she doing!!!!!!!

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WHY is she with this guy if she acts like that around YOU????? That's strange...she needs to figure out what she wants in a boyfriend...which you obviously have. Maybe you should try to talk to her about this or ask her why she still stays with him if he hurts her so much. Before I went out with my ex (bf of 3 years) he was going out with this girl who treated him terrible. He always called me and I'd reassure him that it was her not him...he'd be so depressed. He called me for help all the time and the phone calls always ended by the two of us telling each other "I love you". So just try to talk to her b/c maybe it'll work out like it did for me once...you two may be together one day when she figures out who's right for her. Good luck!

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And what am I suppose to do if this does not work and she stays with this guy that treats her like literal crap. I can remember when i was his age and from what i can remember and i dont like thinking about it at all is that he is just a horney little 15 year old thats trying to get some and i deffinatly dont want anything "weird" (hope u got that) to happen to my best friend and the one i love right now. From what i can tell he does is puts on a show to keep her. I hate to admit it but i use to be like that and i just wish i could erase those years of my life away but I think those years taught me to be more mature. But I am gonna try that last thing u said to see if i get positive feedback on this, but as long as she gets away from this guy even if its not for me I dont want to see her hurt, just happy.

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Man what have I been doing then cuz I have heard those types of remarks many times before and I never really payed attention to it. You know I just might be able to use both of your Ideas in pretty much the same ways but mixing them together but if it starts to go bad ill just have to be friends till she just figures it out, maybe. So as of right now I have not spoken to her since Sunday, the day of hell of the ump-teen-th time they have broken up and she has called me and complained and crying about him and then he went right into show mode calling her to get her back and u know the rest prolly if u guessed. So now i think ill just wait till this day next week and try to avoid her at all costs (Heart hurts from even writing that) cuz i know she cant go without talking to me for more than 2 days cuz she always comes crawling back to talk to me for what ever reason. So if she calls me im gonna just say i gotta go im going somewhere or doing something thats better than her already so called life with him and then when the next load of tears comes along im gonna try Smokeycat's idea of telling her. You think that might work Smokeycat? Dorrik? Anyone?

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Stay strong man,

I know it pains you to see her treated so badly and then has the audacity to complain to a compassionate and considerate fella like yourself. My point is you have to set limitations on what is acceptable. Let her know that u also have your own life that u must attend to and simply cannot drop everything just because she "needs to talk to you".


As long as you do everything for her all the time she won't truly know what she's missing until you're gone. I think u have to tell her how you feel, although I kinda know what she'll prolly say in return. You have let yourself become emotionally vulnerable and it will prolly get u hurt in return.


Remember, your life should not revolve around her bro. Chill with some guy friends, or better yet some other ladies either date or platonic to get her jealous juices goin.


Keep me posted on the happenings,


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