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This is Ridiculous....Cannot figure women out!


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Sometimes I don't feel like guys are attracted to me either. I don't know what it is, but at times it leaves me feeling lonely, worthless. People tell me how beautiful they think I am and blah, blah, but that doesn't always mean much to me. I don't think this feeling will go away until I find a special someone. I can totally understand where you're coming from though, ck. I've learned that you must love yourself before anyone else can love you. Carry yourself with confidence and pride. Trust me, someone will notice. I must tell you though, it's very discouraging when you're a girl and guys talk to your chest instead of your face. That's what happens every time I get hit on. At least you won't ever have to worry about that.

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I must tell you though, it's very discouraging when you're a girl and guys talk to your chest instead of your face. That's what happens every time I get hit on. At least you won't ever have to worry about that.


But at least you get hit on I bet you don't have to go around begging people to hit on you.

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Actually, it would probably be more helpful if I DID beg people to hit on me. The ones that do hit on me, are never my type. And this is after I've talked to them for a little while, too. I give everyone an equal chance, and it's not until after I talk to them, do I determine if we're compatible or not. I'd rather not beg for the attention though.

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Folks like to say"Oh one day you'll find your right match/soulmate!" but iam not looking for that!!!!Iam looking to have regular g/f's and have sex,fun and just to date casualy.....JUST TO FEEL ACCEPTED.


BUT there are many times a week when i feel ugly,rejected and of course lonly,and what really hurts is that fact that ive never really had a g/f....I mean if i would have had a few girlfriends here and there then i wouldnt feel as bad,cuz id have a little confidecne and id know that i am accepted.

I just feel like i aint.....

I often feel like the one who people say "Hello" and "How are you" to, and thats about it.


Exactly music those 2 quotes summed up how I'm feeling; I don't think people understand; because when you say be confident it's hard if your experiences consist of people insulting you; ignoring you or otherwise. Well you never felt it, and you have to get it from somewhere other than yourself. Your mouth say's I'm confident but your mind is saying "if your so confident why are you still lonely?"


Eternal I would trade places with you in a minute just to even feel somebody hit on me even once. Something you experienced already. Nobody wants to beg for attention because you look needy, and like a complete loser. Even if you say you would I know it's not true because then you will be just like me. The difference between us is if you are single I bet you could log off line right now and by tommorw have a date or even just somebody hitting on you. Me I could log off go about my life and the next couple of months nothing even so close as flirting would come my way. I'm so sure of it if I made a bet with everyone in this room i would be the next bill gates.

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Ck......Too true,too true....


This is why most folks and girls a-like dont understand our frustration or anger.

I mean like you said,Most of the girls on here and most folks from every walk of life could log of the internet right now,go out tonight and either pull or meet someone,i mean the very least they would get is a bit of flirting!!


So thereforeeeee wether they realise it or not,there mental state,ego's and overall confidence is alterd and boosted,Hence them having a better and more positive outlook on Pulling!

I have my mates and family(like my mum) come up to me when iam out and say "Be happy","Cheer up","Smile"...but for them its ok,there enjoying themselves.....They fell ACCPETED,they know there accepted...They have dates in the past,most likely sex as well,and there probably going through sex/dates in the present.They Mental state is in a much healthier position than mine or yours.

Its very very hard for people who never been through a degree of rejection and lonlyness to understand how it REALLY feels AND how it subconsciously alters your mind.




"I don't think people understand; because when you say be confident it's hard if your experiences consist of people insulting you; ignoring you or otherwise"


Very true....

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If it was that easy for me to meet people, I'd be off right now chatting guys up. It's not as easy for some girls as you may think it to be.


I bet you could if you wanted too; off course girls may not have it easy.....but! Girls have it more easier than guys do.


Let me ask you a few question, and I would appreciate it if you can be totally honset with me withour sugar coating anything.


1. (I'm not going to ask an age if you don't want to say) but are you a teenager past teenager or older around 30's 40's?


2. How many relatioships have you had; I'm talking about Gf/Bf type stuff.


I don't know about you, but I haven't seen a lot of women reversing the roles and asking guys out. If I were to keep it real I would say probably in my whole lifetime I may have seen this done once (and it's so long abgo I can't remember). In society aren't guys the ones that are supposed to ask the girl out. Kind of hard when you don't have that confidence isn't it And you know what It gets even harder as time goes by because then your expected to do things like that or get ridiculed by the male race. If all I had to do was pick who I want to be with; instead of running around getting rejected by well pretty much everybody; I would have a pretty high or average self-esteem. Let's face it life events and encouters shape the way we are or become mentaly and physicaly.

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I'll be 20 in a few months here, and no, I've never been in a serious relationship before. I agree that society makes it tougher on guys; males being expected to ask the girls out, etc.. That's not to say it doesn't happen, though. Heck, if I came accross someone I felt a connection with, I'd ask him to hang out.

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Eternal grace Thank you for being honest, I don't know why but it is kind of hard to believe you never had a boyfriend being you get hit on and stuff. So is that by choice? when I say serious relationship I don't just mean being commited to one another, but even it could be casual.


Anyway I'm not doubting that you wouldn't ask a man out. I'm just it's not practical. For every two girls who ask there are at least eight men who do the same. Which makes for more competition and less women for the not so handsome, non swave, non Instigating trouble maker, gameless, introverted, type guy. But then again that list I described is exactly the opposite of what most women describes their "dream guy" to be.


I don't know weather wait I should


A) wait and play second fidel to the women who did't want you a long time ago; but then after being abused wants a nice guy.


B) Turn into the loud partying egotistical jerk they seem to adore so much


C) or just stay a hermit until one day I go insane and snipe people from roofs.

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The major reason I've never been in a serious relationship before is because the guys that show even the slightest interest in me, are never my type. Like I mentioned before, I don't count anyone out. There's more to a person than just the outter appearance. I understand that a lot of girls say that, but I'm being completely honest and straight forward. If a guy hit on me that I found to be extremely attractive, but he turned out to be an arrogant b@stard, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with him. In my opinion, that type of attitude can tend to make a person ugly. There's a big difference between having confidence and being conceited. By the way, I object to letter B. I'm only an extremely small portion of the female population, but partying egotistical jerks make me sick. Attention wh0res drive me up the wall!

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Yea iam in a band.

Were very heavy,like Slayer,Machine Head....

It's preety standard at the moment,but we'll progress.

I find that this sort of music is great for exposing and really awllowing my deep inner feelings to get out of my system......


We having come up with a name yet....

We were thinking of "The Haunted" only to find a brilliant Thrash metal act already have that name.

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I don't know who you're directing that at, ck. I presume you're directing it at girls in general, but I am being real. It sounds to me like your view of the female species has been tainted due to personal experience, and you're losing all hope; either girls are extremely shallow, or they sugar coat everything. I can't change your mind, but it's not true in all cases. There are some very genuine people in this world. Search hard enough and you will find them. The guys that hit on me tend to be shallow, too. They don't always realize that I have a brain attached to my body. "Love me for my mind, cuz I'm a dangerous heart..."

(What a sad reality).

Very cool, Music, very cool.... 8)

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I'm directing that at the women I have came in contact with; the ones wth a lack of understanding. And I don't blame them. After all they aren't in my shoes all they have to do is sit back and let 20 guys hit on them; while I bust my ass and get nothing for it. I heard way too many cliche's and non of them have ever done my justice.


I'm not saying all girls are like that, but if that's all I'm hearing and I see absolutely no proof; there is the common denominator. Not saying I'm perfect but I see the situation for what it is, and yes I'm bitter of course. How could I not be? I already lost hope and I pretty much sure my feelings isn't going to do a 360 in a couple of meetings. So if your saying I'm hopeless than Yes I agree with you whole hartedly.

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Music I try all the time not to think about girls, but it's hard in this society when everything reminds you of them. F'n comercials all day, you can't watch a movie without a love seen, people talking about that s&*# all day long. Everybody and their moma; then you got a whole freaking day for couples. The only way to ignorre it is to either live under a rock, or move out of this country. I can't afford to do neither.


I go out to play basketball

I play a couple of games

use the computer

Listen to music

Watch movies

there really isn't a lot to do in such a boring ass town. Except watch people look at other people; yeah pretty exciting huh I can watch people have staring contest what fun


But what you have to remember is that most of those shallow horrible little *beep*'s love to think of you doing nothing with your life.They love to think of you as a nobody,whos doing nothing with his life..


I agree with you man, but if you can tell me a couple of ways to block them out then knock yourself out because I have a hard time doing that for a long time. That's something I would pay big money for

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Your right about that, and they know they have this power. So they take advantage of it I tell them exactly how I feel and also how society is, but as you know they don't want to hear it.


Rather tell you it has to do with you. That's why I don't want to tell them how I feel anymore; It will result in feelings getting hurt and them getting defensive. I guess the truth hurts if you are the one of the people who get called on your actions.

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