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Ever been dumped but "knew" that they would eventually come back?

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I'm late to this thread, but I'm intrigued about how people go through this denial phase. It must be a personality trait to cling to the dream of a returning dumper and believe that in a month you can remake yourself into the object of their desires.

Could this be sign of a optimistic or ambitious person?


I wonder because when I was dumped, I denied it for 6 hours and then accepted it was fully over.

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I'm late to this thread, but I'm intrigued about how people go through this denial phase. It must be a personality trait to cling to the dream of a returning dumper and believe that in a month you can remake yourself into the object of their desires.

Could this be sign of a optimistic or ambitious person?


I wonder because when I was dumped, I denied it for 6 hours and then accepted it was fully over.


Everyone experiencs the stages of loss and grief differently. And not everyone does so for the same length of time or in the same order either.


I do clearly believe it is something that MOST people do go through in some variation or form though, however the problem with denial is....even if you say it is the stage of denial...the one going through it won't believe it.

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I'm late to this thread, but I'm intrigued about how people go through this denial phase. It must be a personality trait to cling to the dream of a returning dumper and believe that in a month you can remake yourself into the object of their desires.

Could this be sign of a optimistic or ambitious person?


I am denial about being in denial. Lol. But seriously, I realize that at this time, me and my ex are done. We have been broken up for a month today, and I have been doing NC for 1 week. Other than when I ignored her phone call last week she hasn't tried to make contact at all (other than randomly leaving all my friends comments on myspace, something that she has never done).


At the same time, I have been making progress by leaps and bounds. I have been working out everyday, eating incredibley healthy, been making progress with myself socially and improving overall as a person. It has only been 1 month and I have grown more than I did in the 2 years that we were together. While she has been out drinking and skanking around with everyone and their brother I have been improving myself. Is thinking that she will at the very least be surprised by all the improvements I have made denial? I don't think so, even friends that have been watching me these past few weeks are surprised. Then again, she may not care at all about my improvements, but that's her problem, not mine. I'm not doing these things to get her back, I'm doing them because it makes me a better person.


If you improve yourself in hopes of getting back your ex you will be sorely disappointed. If you do it for yourself then no matter the outcome you will be a better person for it. I don't think my ex will come back because she will miss me because of NC and because I am improving myself. I think my ex will come back because any girl would be crazy not to consider me as a potential boyfriend. That is how much confidence I have now, this is my reality.

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I was pondering about all dumpees, (generalizing...my bad) but you seem quite healthy and will probably meet someone on your wavelength.

I imagine you deal with most problems well. That's what I was wondering about, since I've followed some folks here that are movers and shakers who really work to fix things despite all odds.


In my case, I just shrugged and walked away. Maybe not the best approach either.

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I'm late to this thread, but I'm intrigued about how people go through this denial phase. It must be a personality trait to cling to the dream of a returning dumper and believe that in a month you can remake yourself into the object of their desires.

Could this be sign of a optimistic or ambitious person?


I wonder because when I was dumped, I denied it for 6 hours and then accepted it was fully over.


We have a winner here folks with this post! Listen to this and take it to heart...he done knows what he's talking about...

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I totaly know what your talking about here, I too just got broken up with and after knowing about my ex's past relationships and how all the b/f's of her past have treated her so badly and she took them back..... Why wouldn't she take me back? If she can take a guy that cheated on her 3 times back over and over again even tho he didn't even try to hide it. Then why not a nice guy like me that treated her like gold. I too sometimes think she would be crazy if she didn't take me back one day. But then again I'm somewhat in denial too since it only happened a week ago.

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