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I am really confused about a certain person, and i have no idea what to do.

Iv been looking for someone for about a year now, and iv actually found someone i really like. Here's the problem, last night, a few of me and my friends went out, and she came with us. After a while everyone went off and left me and her with a couple of others, we started drinking. After we were fairly drunk, we made out numerous times. She then started apologising for kissing me, because she had just finished with her bf, and felt like she couldnt do it at all.

I really dont know what to make of it all. She said she liked me when sober, and now im really confused.

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If she said she likes you and kissed you, although she was drunk, I'd suggest to be around her, treat her nice and be little misterious. We love that. See what she does, her behaviour toward you. If she flirts with you or something like that. Then I'd recomend you to invite her out. If she said no, move one. Next!

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Step back Tom, she might go back to him.


Wait that month out by doing limited contact, rather than get to know her or you could find yourself used. Even though she might genuinely like you, ex's have a pull like no other and things may not be how they seem or completely over.


I think that's what she was trying to tell you.

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