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i cant let go...y?

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i cant seem to let go of feelings for this guy that i met almost a year ago. i swear i feel in love with him in four days! but after that we didnt see each other. so he lost interest and stopped calling(he only called twice). but i cant let go of my feelings for him. and im want to. i know if i dont i wont love a guy again. im afraid they'll lose interest in me and disappear like always. i need to let go, but i just cant and ive tried a million times before but something always brings it back. and its driving me crazy. what should or can i do? please help.

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Sometimes love's a hard thing to let go of, the percistant little bastard. It can also be one of life's little bitches like in your situation.


Do you still have a chance with this guy? Do you ever see him?


What I figure is that you can continue with your feelings...


You can do your best to get past them all...


Move on...


Ultimatly it's your decision, A questions only you can really answer.

Goodluck, I hope you make out alright!

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it is hard to let go of someone you love, I was forced to do that when my boyfriend said that we should just be friends after a year of dating, and something will remind me of what we used to have together and I cry, but I have to think I'll find someone new that will make me feel so much better then he did.

If he stopped calling you, then he probably wouldn't have treated you like you should be treated in the first place. So many people settle for less thinking that they couldn't find any better. Try and get over this guy the best you can by getting out and meeting new people.

Eventually these feelings will fade, but only with time.

Good Luck Hope things work out

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the thing is that we never dated. we just hung out and ppl thought we were dating. i dont see him anymore because he graduated this year and lives in alvin when i live in houston. so we are miles apart. he should be in college by now. i have his phone number and address and i tried calling but hes never home and doesnt return the phone call. so i quit and i gave up. hes gone so im trying to let go. i remember the camp experience all the time but i still wish i could go back and change things. like hold his hand or kiss him. but i cant. i wish i could but i cant. and im am meeting new ppl but non like him. hes different. hes the guy i could see myself with. but i know its time to move on. so thanks for the advice. i pray it works. thanks for your insights too. ill keep you posted.

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Life has it's ups and downs. I would take it one steep at a time. Call him see how he fills. Because thats what I did, when I was in the spot you were in. I asked him if we could try agen. He thout it was worth a shot, and I have been with him now for about a year after that. But let me worn you now it wont be all that fun to start out with, but it'll be worth it in the long run. So go for it. And if he dusent want to try agen at least you can move on. But its worth a try.

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