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Getting back into masturbation

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Like most teenagers I really enjoyed masturbation and used various materials and had amazing orgasms. Now I'm a bit older, masturbating doesn't seem to bring the same pleasure. (Perhaps I shouldn't have had sex!).


I want to get back into masturbation but am finding it difficult. I tend to rush it, the orgasms aren't quite as good as they used to be and I don't use the, er, same materials for masturbation, I normally use only my hand.


Does anyone else have the same experience? How did you regain the lost pleasure and art of self love?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The physical aspects of sex and masturbation are very different, they just "feel" different, regardless of "materials," as you said. But there's also an emotional difference. Masturbation is usually just to get that quick "and I'm done" feel, while sex usually has a closer emotional tie. Even casual sex has some feeling behind it, if only basic lust.

My only advise is to experiment. (And have fun at it!)

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