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Hi everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well! I just got back from a mountain biking clinic in WV where I had a great time! Well this morning I am on link removed checking it out (I know my ex is on there so I blocked is account so I don't see it when I do my search) and I am scrolling down the page and I see his profile! Crap! I don't know if the blocking thing didn't work or if I wasn't logged on but I saw him and it made me feel horrible! Also he has last been on 5 days ago! So my mind starts racing thinking crazy things like he's seeing someone or his ex. Then I stop myself and remember how crappy he treated me and how he lied all the time and how that probably won't change once he dates someone else and how I would never be with him even if he did come back. I was thinking during my LONG drive yesterday about how I couldn't trust ANYTHING that came out of his mouth, I would think of things that he sad to me and then think "Who knows if that was true!" and how I can't believe I was with someone who was so unsure of themselves for so long. I only hope there is someone out there for me, I'm not completely ready to seriously date someone yet, but I can only hope it's not too late!

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Hey there, wow. your situation seems like an unavoidable sticky one. Props to you for trying to ignore him but of course, something reminded you of him. Well...If i were in your place, I would stay off of that link removed website as a whole because it definitely would tempt me to go and look but you might be more self-controlled than i am so it may be okay for you.


Now, as for seeing his pro and etc...wow. yes, that of course hurts. So i suggest doing whatever you can to stay away from him. Logging onto the site just increases your chances of going and visiting his profile. I mean, let's observe the choices here. and even though we all hope that are ex's come back and beg us to take them back..its probably not going to happen becuase they already rationalized in their head why they broke up with you. So here we go...If you look at his pro...you may find out...


a) that he's single but still doesn't want to be with you.

b) that he's taken and still doesn't want to be with you.


Either way, its a negative-negative deal. You're going to get hurt either way. So I suggest staying off that.


As for it being too late. Amen to sad_now. its never too late! its the summer. oppurtunities are great. go live it up girl. you'll be fine!


keep up the healing.


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