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Good! You know, it's so hard to tell someone you like a lot that you don't want to be with them anymore.


But you should be proud because you know what's good for you, and you know this guy isn't.


So good for you for sticking up for yourself! If you ever need to talk, you can PM me anytime.

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  • 8 months later...
Hey everybody, I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now.


Basically, a few months ago I met a guy who is 26 - I am 16. We went on a few dates and ended up sleeping together.


Hold it! Stop right there! You are way too young to be sleeping with anyone and he is a pedophile. Where are your parents!?! You need to report him to the police. I can't believe anyone would think this is alright situtation...

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Hold it! Stop right there! You are way too young to be sleeping with anyone and he is a pedophile. Where are your parents!?! You need to report him to the police. I can't believe anyone would think this is alright situtation...


Paedophiles are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. At 16, she may be young, and you may frown upon their relationship and her being sexually active, but she is not pre-pubescent and thereforeeee he is not a paedophile. And if she is over the age of consent for where she lives, it is her right to have sex.

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Paedophiles are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. At 16, she may be young, and you may frown upon their relationship and her being sexually active, but she is not pre-pubescent and thereforeeee he is not a paedophile. And if she is over the age of consent for where she lives, it is her right to have sex.


Paedophiles are thows who use thows under the lawfull age of "Consent" for sex. This induces grooming some one uder the age of consent for sex. Like you say if she is over the local age of consent and the person she is having sex with is the same then they are not barking the law. BUT! both partys must be over the age of local consent under the law.

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in my opinion coz im going through something kinda simular i think u should follow ur heart and not listen to any one esle, if u want to know what im going through if u think it may help just email me!


This line is offen usd by Paedophiles grooming some one under the age of consent for sex. Its the "for get the law, your grown up now, so do what I say grown ups do, that love" But its always in Secret and it always ends up Physical love making. Which is Child abuse, A grown amn or woman smarter and wise has groomed a child for sex, Love was never part of there need, no sexule gratification at the expeance of a child innocence is what drives them.


THEY DO NOT CARE for the child now more than they care for a porn site.

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