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Today was a great day.

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For those of you who haven't seen some of my posts here is my story.






Today was the 2nd day that me and the ex went to our old house to clean it up, move stuff, take stuff to the dump so that we can hopefully get our deposit back. When she arrived I greeted her with a smile and she smiled back ofcourse. I wanted this to be a sign that today wasnt going to be like last week when I was sobbing and begging for her to come back. She asked me how I was doing and I replied with a confident "awesome!". She was taken aback at first, but seemed to be happy that I was happy. The rest of the day was great, I couldn't of asked for anything better. We were smiling, laughing and having fun the entire day. I told her how I know agree that the breakup was for the benefit of us both and how I plan to fully take advantage of all the extra time and money that I have now. We talked about how we were both starting to grow as people, our plans for the future, and all the good times/things that we had in our relationship. No arguments at all, the only small disagreement was ended quickly by me concieding to her side, as one problem in our relationship was that stuff was always my way or the highway. Me actually giving in so quickly showed her that I was really changing. We went out to get lunch and I told her to pick the place which she enjoyed taking advantage of as well. After dropping off the final things at her place, her parents invited me to stay for dinner, I asked my ex if she was ok with it and she was more than happy to have me stay and eat. Dinner was awesome, and when I left her mom was all teary eyed and told me that she loved me. About ten minutes after I left my ex called to see if I had to go to the bathroom cause she thought she had food poisoning, or so she said. Kind of a weird call but I'm not going to read into it. The call was short and to the point.


I am now at the point where I am feeling really optimistic about myself. I have come to realize that maybe all she needed was space. Another thing I have realized is that she would be crazy not to want a relationship with me. I feel 100x better about myself. I am at the point where I still want her back, but am happy with myself even if she doesnt come back, I know that SHE will be the one who is missing out, not me. All in all, today was perfect. We had fun and got alot of stuff done. I was smart, funny and confident, just like when we first met.


We have one more day of hardcore cleaning to do next week and then I am planning on doing NC for a month or two. Basically I want to make her miss me, which I am thinking she is already starting to. After that I will be able to re-evaluate the situation and make a GOOD decision on what to do with this. I know she is thinking about me, and still cares, as she was the one to ask "so you eff any chicks yet?" It was asked jokingly, but I know that she really did want the answer.


So thats my story for right now, any comments, suggestions, anything is appreciated

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stay strong. dont expect too much from her. the question about f'ing any chicks is just her being insecure and unsure of herself. dont make too much out of it, trust me. i've been there. keep looking forward and know you're doing the best you can do in your situation.

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We have one more day of hardcore cleaning to do next week and then I am planning on doing NC for a month or two.


I don't think it's wise to plan a time line for NC. You take as much time as you need until the job is done my friend...until you honestly and truly don't care anymore...sometimes it can take a long time...longer than you think...

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